They found someone to buy two horses and rode on them to the town.

As soon as they entered the town, they felt an abnormal atmosphere, as if the place was under martial law.

There are people watching everywhere. Ning Mengyao's eyes narrowed slightly and then looked at Qiao Tianchang: "it seems that they have succeeded, but I don't know how they are now."

This place is so heavily guarded that they may have some trouble trying to escape.

When they went in, they were suddenly stopped by someone and looked at them suspiciously, especially when they saw Ning Mengyao, with a little evil smile in their eyes.

Ningmengyao's eyes gradually become cold. She doesn't like such eyes very much. The eyes of these people make her want to dig them out.

"These two are strangers. I don't know where they came from. Someone will take them away for investigation." The leader's line of sight has been put on Ning Mengyao's body, so that Qiao Tianchang's forehead is full of blue tendons.

Is this man dying?

Regardless of the present happiness, Qiao Tianchang reached for each other's shoulders and threw people out directly, hitting the ground heavily.

It took a long time for the man who was thrown out to get back to his senses. It made him angry to look at them again.

"Damn it, you dare to do this to me. You are looking for death. The two people are suspicious and killed directly." The man looked at Qiao Tianchang and said.

People slowly toward two people around, Ning Mengyao's line of sight suddenly looked at a place, where red tassel is carefully looking at everything here.

There was a seemingly innocent smile on the corner of the mouth, and the hand moved slightly, making a gesture that only the red tassel could understand.

Hongying wanted to go out to help. Who knows that she saw ningmengyao gesturing for them to leave this place quickly.

These days, they have been waiting for the return of Ning Mengyao. Now they are completely relieved to come back.

Hongying thought about it and finally turned away.

After she left, Ning Mengyao was relieved at last.

How else can I find them? Unexpectedly, people are here.

With a light smile on his face, Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang are back to back. When Ning Mengyao's wrist shakes, a beautiful soft sword appears in his hand. The soft sword is the snow falling sword he got in the stone room.

"Yao and Yao fight and make quick decisions." Just now he saw the red tassel, and now he understood the meaning of ningmengyao.

Ningmengyao nodded and cooperated with Qiao Tianchang tacitly. Soon, the corpse fell down on the edge. Both of them had the meaning of killing.

"You You... Call someone else here, and the intruder has found it. " The martial arts of these two people are too powerful. They must have a great relationship with the people who broke into the house. If they are caught back, they will surely have great benefits.

The man guessed that there was no mistake, but unfortunately, his life was too thin to enjoy that time.

The guards in the town were attracted to this place, which was what Qiao Tianchang and his wife hoped. When they dealt with those people, Hongying went back and asked several people to leave with Nangong Yan, who was seriously injured. They went back to help them.

It's hard to fight with two fists and four hands. Even though they are fierce, they still suffer some injuries.

Fortunately, at this time, red tassel came with white clothes and shared a lot of pressure with them.

Ningmengyao quickly came to Hongying and put her eyes on her. Seeing Hongying nodding, ningmengyao finally felt relieved: "that's good. Do it."

They have to fight fast because they don't know how many people there are in this place.

Hongying and others naturally also know this truth. If we don't clean up and leave now, it will be difficult to leave.

Several people were fighting at the same time, and soon all the people who came to encircle them were either dead or seriously injured.

They also found a chance to escape.

After they left town, a man in white with a mask appeared in town.

Looking at the mess of this place, the body of this place, the man's face is very ugly.

"What about people?" After receiving the news, he came here at once, who knows that he was still a little late.
