When they come back, the people at the National Division will surely know that they will have a lot of surprises next. What they have to do now is to confuse those people's eyes and make them believe that they have no one to save them. That person is not saved by them.

As long as their eyes are turned away, they are not afraid to stare here every day.

Ning Mengyao reached out and touched her chin. She was very interested in his proposal: "what are you going to do?"

"How to do it? Then you will know. " Qiao Tianchang's lips raised a faint smile.

"Well, let's go and see the little monkey. We miss him." The little monkey has never been away from her for so long. I don't know if I remember her now.

Of course, Qiao Tianchang also wants to see his son. If he hasn't seen his son for such a long time, he wants to.

They packed themselves and went to Joe mofeng's room. Joe mofeng was dressing the children. It was a bit like a brother.

Seeing how well they get along, Ning Mengyao is at ease.

After the two entered the room, Jomo Shang's eyes were always on them: "Dad Dad. "

Qiao Tianchang's eyes brightened, holding the child in his arms: "Shanger still remembers his father?"

Ningmengyao immediately jealous, went to his front, sad said: "little monkey remember father don't remember mother ah?"

Jomo Shang blinked: "wolf..."

Ning Mengyao looks at his son with black thread of steamed bread. Then he thinks it's wrong. How does this sound like a mother?

But Qiao mofeng on the edge was embarrassed: "I have taught Shanger to cry for his mother these days, just..." Why did they become wolves after shouting?

Ning Mengyao looked at the embarrassed Qiao Mo Feng and couldn't help laughing: "it turns out that's the way, feng'er is really hard for you."

Every day, I have to practice martial arts, take my brother and teach him to talk.

"No, I like Shanger and I like to talk to Shanger." Jomo Feng quickly shook his head and said.

He really likes these things. Every time he is with Shanger, he will be very happy.

"The little monkey calls her mother."


"It's mother..."


"A mother is not a wolf." Ningmengyao stubborn looking at Qiao moshang, very seriously said.

Qiao Mo looks at Ning Mengyao with sad eyes. After a long time, he says, "wolf..."

Ningmengyao's defeat is the bottom of his head. Why is her father so Qin Chu? When she comes here, her mother becomes a wolf?

"Mother doesn't matter, brother is very clever, he can learn soon." Qiao Mo Feng sees Ning Mengyao's frustrated appearance, and quickly opens his mouth to explain to his younger brother.

Qiao Tianchang could not help laughing when he saw Ning Mengyao fighting with her children. Qiao mofeng said that, he thought it was more funny, so he burst out laughing.

Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao Tianchang and said, "are you laughing at me?"

Qiao Tianchang coughs and shakes his head: "no, how can I laugh at you?"

Qiao mofeng looked at the interaction between his parents on the edge, with a happy smile on his face. It was really more fun for his parents to come back.

After staying in the room for a while, the family of four went out.

The two adults and their two children went out for a fair stroll. They didn't care about the people who watched them.

Joe Mo Feng looked at his parents doubtfully, but he didn't understand why they came out to hang around? Is there anything important to do?

"Where are we going, mom and dad?" Joe mofeng finally couldn't help asking.

Qiao Tianchang had a faint smile on his face: "I heard there is an auction, let's go and have a look."

Joe mofeng is silly and curious about Joe Tianchang's decision.

Ningmengyao has a light smile in her eyes and keeps looking forward to seeing what Qiao Tianchang wants to do.

They came to the biggest auction house in the city.

Looking for a private room to watch the auction, Ning Mengyao could not help frowning when she saw something: "someone even auctioned snow falling sword."

Qiao Tianchang's movements were stiff, then he took a look at the list in Ning Mengyao's hands: "auction is the auction."