Ningmengyao thought, also, it has nothing to do with them.

After the waiter came up to help them bring some snacks and tea, he closed the door: "Maple, you can also see if there is something you like. If there is something you like, please tell your parents."

"Well." Joe mofeng's memory of the auction house is very blank. Now I see the following people are full of curiosity.

The auction is not so good, even Joe mofeng doesn't like it.

Finally to the end of the snow falling sword, Ning Mengyao felt that the people below seemed crazy.

Ning Mengyao looked at the people with red eyes and wondered: "don't they doubt it's fake?"

Qiao Tianchang shook his head: "this auction house has a good reputation in miaojiang. There will be no fake things sold, so people will be so excited."

"So it is." She didn't care much about it.

However, when the sword was presented, Ning Mengyao's eyes widened with surprise: "this is not snow falling sword, this is Jun falling sword."

Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao in amazement: "are you sure?"

"Well, if snow falling sword is more suitable for women, then Jun falling sword is more suitable for men, and there is Jun falling sword technique behind the sword spectrum of snow falling sword, so we must get this sword." When she practiced sword technique, she saw the sword technique of junluo sword. She was thinking that she must find junluo sword. Unexpectedly, she met her here.

It really doesn't take much effort.

"Well." They also brought a lot of good things out this time, all of them are silver tickets, gold tickets and so on. They also have some jewelry taken from the stone room, of course, these jewelry are very precious things.

When you see Jun Luo's sword, the people below seem to have beaten chicken blood. Their eyes are full of excitement. Looking at the appearance of the sword is also like seeing what a big treasure.

Soon someone began to bid. The base price was fifty thousand Liang, and the increase was not less than one thousand Liang each time.

In just half an hour, the price has reached 150000, which is expected.

See the following call price people gradually less, and the price has also reached 200000, Ning Mengyao eyes slightly narrowed, red lips gently opened: "200000 liang of gold."

When the following people heard the figure, everyone was quiet. Two hundred thousand liang of gold is equivalent to two million silver, and the price increased ten times.

Originally also want to call the price of people can only be mercilessly unfair to stop bidding.

If it's silver they can still take out, gold is impossible.

Joe mofeng sat at one side and saw his parents like that. His eyelids kept jumping. His mother was like a black sheep. After seeing Qiao Tianchang, he didn't object.

"Feng'er, your father and mother have money. Don't care about it." Ningmengyao seemed to see Qiao mofeng's tangle and couldn't help but open her mouth.

Isn't it? With tongbaozhai, how little money can she have?

When Ning Mengyao thought he was going to get the sword, another voice came out: "three hundred thousand gold."

They didn't hear this voice just now.

Eyebrows slightly wrinkled, looked at Qiao Tianchang: "Tianchang?"

"It should be the one who wants the sword."

"Five hundred thousand Liang."

The following people are just as crazy as they are. If they add 100000 Liang, they will add 200000 Liang. Is that enough to keep them alive? If you don't want any money, can you give them some?

"Six hundred thousand."

Ning Mengyao sneered, "one million."

She's determined to win this sword. If she can spend more money with her, she will make these people die miserably.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao and doesn't notice. Qiao mofeng's eyes are round and his mouth is wide. Does Niang want to smash people with money?

Joe Tianchang saw that his eyes were always wide, and his mouth was wide open. He kindly helped him close his mouth.

"Get used to it." Usually, Ning Mengyao doesn't like to spend money very much. Of course, when she sees something she likes and wants to get, it's another matter.