A sword sold to millions of liang of gold, not to mention all the people who think their wealth is great, even the auction house people are stupid, that wide eyes, as if it is a ghost.

Where did this man come from? It was gold, not silver, and it was a woman's voice.

The noise below is getting more and more serious, even the auction house people are completely stunned, which makes ningmengyao can't help frowning, what do these people mean? What's going on at this time?

Thinking of this, Ning Mengyao was very dissatisfied.

Jun's sword is just like that. Others don't know the value, but she does.

Although there are a lot of one million gold, it's just a number. You can earn it again without it. But this sword is different. It's gone without it. You can't find it. It's just one in the world.

So in any case, she would have photographed the sword.

The most important thing is that xueluo sword and junluo sword are a pair of swords. Only when two swords are together can they play a greater role.

"What do they mean by Tianchang?"

Qiao Tianchang's mouth is slightly hooked, reaching for Ning Mengyao's hands, with a thick smile in his eyes: "I think it's shocking." Qiao Tianchang raised his eyebrows slightly, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Ning Mengyao was dissatisfied, and snorted coldly, "does the auction house have such a little eyes?" Ningmengyao said this with internal power.

The following people heard the sound, and they were all excited. They woke up completely.

"One One million liang of gold. Is there anyone else who wants it? "

"Who the hell is fighting us? That's all in one go. " In another box, a woman gnashed her teeth and said that the expression was completely distorted.

Six hundred and sixty thousand liang of gold is already a high price for them. The most they can take out is 800000 yuan. But this woman actually asked for one million Liang directly. How can they fight for it?

Thinking of this, women hate it.

It took them a lot of money to know that xueluo sword is going to be auctioned here, but now it's good enough to kill Cheng Yaojin halfway and take the sword. How can they explain to Shifu when they go back?

The man on the edge frowned faintly, his eyes were obviously thoughtful, and then he looked at the aggrieved woman: "this woman is not poor in money, and She's not bad. "

"Don't we just forget that?" The woman is not willing to say.

"You can go down to them in private." The man frowned and said casually.

Although it's true to say that, but the eyes of women are still unwilling.

No one continued to bid for the price, and Jun luojian naturally came to ningmengyao's hands.

After the auction house sent Jun luojian, Qiao Tianchang took out a large stack of gold tickets from his arms.

Just because of the thickness, people who came to deliver swords could not help but draw corners of their mouths. These two people were not afraid of being robbed halfway.

Hand in the money and hand in the delivery, the next thing, Ning Mengyao, they also lost all their interest and were ready to leave after a while.

After the two left and returned to their house, Ning Mengyao asked Qingshuang to take the two children with her, and then took Qiao Tianchang to the backyard.

They took out the sword manual and looked at it. After reading it, Qiao Tianchang immediately understood why Ning Mengyao had to take the sword back, which was a great help for them.

After getting the sword, the two men began to practice according to the sword manual, and they were in the posture of forgetting to eat and sleep, which made Qingshuang feel helpless.

Until five days later, their courtyard door was knocked open.

Nanyu looks at the two men and one woman in front of him, and frowns slightly: "who are you? What's up here? "

"We're here to find your master. Something important." The man on the edge, with a gentle face, said that he did not want to bully people at all.

Looking at him, Nanyu closed the door, and the three heard a word, waiting.

The woman's face was blue and white. When had she been treated like this? This is a disgrace.