Mingze looked at the outside impatiently, with a little complaint in his voice: "I really don't know what the master is thinking. Doesn't he know that Bai Yu is likely to damage our business?"

This time, I found someone to assassinate the couple, which is to make trouble for them.

This time, things would not have been so bad. Even if they could not become friends in the end, at least the relationship would not have become so bad.

Only when Bai Yu did that, the relationship between Qinglin school and tongbaozhai must be like walking on thin ice. If they don't care about it, it's enough. If the other party really wants to care about it, Qinglin school is not enough for tongbaozhai.

"Restrain Baiyu." Feng Yuan frowned and finally said only one sentence.

Mingze looked at his elder martial brother and said, "elder martial brother, do you think we can restrain her?"

Who is her white feather? That's the apprentice that Shifu loves most. He loves more than his son.

Fengyuan is also considering the issue: "if she doesn't stop, send her back directly."

This Xiang Fengyuan and they are fretting about it. Bai Yu over there is thinking about when he can get the snow falling sword.

When Bai Yu saw the seriously injured martial brother, his face suddenly changed: "big Elder martial brother, here What's going on? "

"Don't you know very well?"

In the house, Ning Mengyao leans on Qiao Tianchang, looks at the cloudless sky, and has no God in her eyes: "Tianchang, do you think they will come to our trouble?"

"Are you afraid of trouble?"

"What do you think?" Ningmengyao returns to her life and looks at her man with her eyebrows.

Qiao Tianchang reached out to play with Ning Mengyao's long hair, with a doting smile on his face, and finally bowed down to kiss Ning Mengyao on the cheek: "you Well, not so much. "

"Well, let's go to the capital."

This place is no longer suitable for living.

Qiao Tian imagined that Ning Mengyao naturally thought of it: "well, it's time to clean up."

They ordered Qingshuang to remove all the things they needed to take away from the yard, and drove away that afternoon.

After they left, Fengyuan came with Bai Yu, who was originally trying to apologize to them. Who knew that people had left like this? This actually surprised them.

Fengyuan looks at the closed door. Just now they asked the people around them. They heard that the family had left.

"Elder martial brother, where will they go?" Looking at the closed gate, Mingze always felt that they could not finish their task of coming to Miao.

"I don't know. Let's go." Fengyuan turns and leaves.

Seeing that both of them didn't take care of her, Bai Yu kept jumping off angrily. What does that mean.

"Wait for me, elder martial brother. Don't forget that you promised to take care of me." She doesn't have this weight, does the master have it?

Feng Yuan stopped for a moment, then turned to look at Bai Yu: "if it wasn't for the meaning of the master, do you think this time I would let my face be trampled under my feet?"


"Bai Yu, if you don't know how to restrain yourself, go back by yourself. It's better not to drag us down." Mingze is not as talkative as Fengyuan.

After entering the Miao area, the woman would hate this and that again, saying that it's not good here and that it's not good there. He would like to throw people back directly.

"Second senior brother, you..."

Mingze looked at Baiyu's indignant look coldly: "do you think master dotes on you, and you can be lawless? There are more people you can't provoke. "

"Second senior brother, do you hate me so much?"

"That's right, elder martial brother. Let's go."

Feng Yuan looks at Bai Yu and follows Mingze. When they leave together, they don't care if Bai Yu is following.

Bai Yuqi's eyes are red. She must tell the master to punish them severely.

No matter what the three brothers and sisters are doing, it has nothing to do with Ning Mengyao.

Ning Mengyao is holding Qiao moshang to teach him to talk, while Qiao Tianchang and Qiao mofeng are whispering something.

Ningmengyao listens carefully. It turns out that Qiao Tianchang is teaching him some knowledge and experience in books.