"Little monkey, would you like to listen to my father and brother?" See son looking at two people that place all the time, Ning Mengyao picks eyebrow to ask a way.

Qiao moshang looks at Qiao Tianchang and stretches his hands: "Daddy..."

Qiao Tianchang's heart softened after a while. He reached out and held the man in his arms. Ning Mengyao looked at him. Although he was not happy, he leaned on one side of the soft pillow. His eyes were full of fatigue: "I'll sleep for a while, and you'll call me later."

"Sleep." Qiao Tianchang put the child in Qiao mofeng's arms, took out the blanket from one side and changed it to Ning Mengyao's body, which brought Qiao moshang back and sat on his leg.

In drowsiness, Ning Mengyao hears Qiao Tianchang's deliberately lowered voice, which seems to be saying something, but she can't really hear it.

When Ning Mengyao woke up, it was dark, and she was lying on the bed, there was no one in the room, obviously they had found a place to live.

Ningmengyao closed some sour eyes, and then opened them, it was not so uncomfortable inside. Just getting out of bed, the window was suddenly knocked open by someone outside, and a man in black flew in from outside.

Seeing the man ningmengyao with a light eyebrow, sitting on the bed at will, his hands around his chest: "it seems that you don't know the etiquette to break into other people's rooms like this."

In a daze, the man in black obviously didn't expect that Ning Mengyao would say such a thing. A female generation would not be afraid of him?

"Shut up."

Ningmengyao looked at the man in black in surprise. She thought she would be a man, but unexpectedly she was a woman, and her voice was so beautiful.

When he yawned, Ning Mengyao's face was full of interest: "what do you say if I give you to someone outside? Will you get a lot of money? "

The man in black ignored her threat: "they will not pay you but kill you."

"Is it?" Ningmengyao did not care to look at the woman in front of her, with a strong smile in her eyes.

It's really nice to be able to keep such composure under such circumstances.

"Can I help you?" Ningmengyao saw that the man in black had been standing at the window and looking out, his body was tense, so he was in a state of preparation for war.

The man in black turned to look at Ning Mengyao, with a question in his eyes: "why do you want to help me?"

"I'm happy."

In fact, she didn't know why she wanted to help. She just didn't want this woman to die here. It was so simple.

However, it seems that people in black don't believe Ning Mengyao's words. They are still very alert to her: "what's your intention?"

Ning Mengyao looked up and down at the man in black in front of her. Her critical eyes were like looking at a commodity: "what can I see about you?"

The man in black on the opposite side said after a moment of silence: "how are you going to help me?"

"Naturally I have my own way." Said to get up from the side of the burden out of a set of light color dress, do not see a glance to throw to each other.

"Go and change."

The man in black frowned slightly and didn't seem to want to wear this dress.

"People will probably find here in a short time. If you want to continue consuming, I have no loss." Ningmengyao is languidly leaning on the head of the bed, with a look of indifference, which makes the man in black unable to help wondering who he is.

Ningmengyao ignored the man in black, got up and went to the table, took the cup and poured a glass of water to drink a little: "give you time to consider Not much. "

The man in black flashed a struggle in his eyes, and finally came to the back of the screen and changed his night clothes into the dresses of his daughter's home.

When Ning Mengyao saw each other coming out, the whole person was slightly stunned. The appearance of the man in black was very beautiful, just like that of the once mixed race. The delicate face made her want to reach out and squeeze.

"You look good." Blink, the heart of the little devil to take back, and then smile at each other, seriously said.