The man in black pulled his clothes awkwardly: "I'm not used to it."

"I'll get used to it. Sit down." Ning Mengyao pointed to the stool beside her finger.

The other side was silent for a while, and then sat beside Ning Mengyao.

Ning Mengyao took out all the tools she used to make up.

Seeing that Ning Mengyao is going to wipe these messy things on her face, the man in black is hiding.

"Hide, don't move." Ning Mengyao stares at her, but the movements in her hands don't slow down at all.

In less than half an hour, the delicate face in Ning Mengyao's hands has become a little fresh, leaving only her easily remembered eyes.

Ning Mengyao took out a mirror and threw it to her: "let's have a look."

The man in black pauses for a moment, then slowly holds the mirror. When he sees himself in the mirror, the whole person is dumbfounded.

This This or her?

If she didn't know her own experience, she couldn't think about it at all. In just half an hour, she had completely changed herself.

"That Thank you. I'm still here. I'm very kind today. I'll thank you again later. " The man in black, that is to say, he looked at Ning Mengyao seriously and promised.

Ning Mengyao's hand on her chin slipped and fell down, round her eyes, and even made a very indecent move.

He reached out and pulled out his ears. Ning Mengyao looked at her. "Who did you say you were?"

"Not yet."

Ningmengyao put out her hand to cover her eyes, and her mouth slightly twitched. What's the matter? How could she meet her?

It's just a person who has used his or her own identity. Isn't that a book without coincidence?

Looking at Ning Mengyao's puzzled As if to hell appearance, some awkwardness: "my name is very strange?"

Ningmengyao shook her head, sighed softly, and said in a tangled way: "it's not very strange. I just feel that fate is something that can't be predicted."

WeiLuo wanted to ask her, what does this mean? Ning Mengyao suddenly looked out of the window coldly: "if someone comes, just sit still and don't show anything wrong."

WeiLuo is not a fool. Naturally, he can understand the meaning of Ning Mengyao's mouth. He nodded immediately: "I know. Don't worry."

Ningmengyao stood not far away from the window. When the people outside wanted to come in, they put their hands on the window. With a heavy wave, the window hit each other's face.

The groan of pain rang in their ears. Ning Mengyao opened the door coldly and looked at the people standing nearby: "running in the evening to disturb people's dream is not what good people can do."

"We are searching for a criminal slave, and we hope that his wife will give us a face." The leader saw that ningmengyao's temperament was so extraordinary, and he didn't dare to offend others. He just looked at ningmengyao and said seriously.

Ning Mengyao plays with her fingers and suddenly looks up at the opposite person: "face for you? What's the weight of your face? "

The people on the opposite side squint their eyes. Is that what they want to do?

"Then we're welcome."

Ning Mengyao stretched out: "then you are not welcome to try."

The people in the opposite side were uncertain for a while. The leader looked at Ning Mengyao, and finally, because the identity of the person they were going to pursue was different, he bit his teeth: "do it now."

Looking at the person who flies towards him, he looks ridiculed at the corner of his mouth: "it's a price to come in."

As soon as the voice fell, someone came in and screamed out.

The whole person began to roll in pain.

The following people listened to the sound, and their actions were rigid in place, and they were totally afraid to make any extraordinary moves.

Ningmengyao looked at them indifferently: "what? Don't you want to do it? "

"You poisoned?"

"I didn't say the room wasn't poisoned."

Her face changed a little. She didn't come in a moment ago, but now

After a look at the man on the ground, it must have been poisoned not long ago. This man can't be underestimated.