The leader took a look at the room, especially at Ning Mengyao's cold eyes, as if to say that Ning Mengyao was frozen directly into ice.


Looking at the person who is going to leave, Ning Mengyao lifts her foot and kicks out the people on the ground: "take your people away and save the dirty place of my wife."

"A few days of madam's hospitality, we will return it later. Let's go."

"In fact, you don't have to do this. It has nothing to do with you."

A stranger can help her avoid those people, but what about the people she believes in? It was the culprit for her present situation.

Ho ho, family, kinship? It's a funny word.

"You'll know if it matters." Ning Mengyao looked at it thoughtfully and said.

Did not fall the eye to take the doubt to look at the person in front of, in the heart incomparably strange: "what do you mean?"

"It's OK. Have a good rest. By the way, I'll give you the healing medicine."

Before she left, she saw Ning Mengyao go out, looked at the bottle of Medicine on the table, and there was a smile on the corner of her mouth that was worse than crying.

I don't know what happened to my son after such a long escape.

As long as we think that those people actually give their sons to others, or to such people, we can't hate them before we fall down.

One day she will destroy such a family.

After going out, Ning Mengyao plans to go to Qiao Tianchang and find no one. When he sees their carriage, he goes back to the backyard.

When I found the waiter, I knew that Qiao Tianchang had gone out to play with his two children. As for Qingshuang and Nanyu, they had to wait for them to come back.

In the lobby, she ordered something to fill her stomach. When she was about to eat, Qiao Tianchang came back with two children. He was holding a pile of things in Joe mofeng's arms. Even the little monkey was holding a small toy.

As soon as Qiao Tianchang came in, he saw Ning Mengyao and walked over with his two children: "wake up?"

"Well, have you eaten yet?"

"I've eaten. Let's go upstairs and have a rest." Qiao Tianchang sits next to Ning Mengyao and wipes the crumbs on her mouth with a pad.

Ningmengyao blinked, and she remembered that she seemed to have given up their room.

"Let's have another room."


"I'll let you know when I get upstairs." Looking around at people, this is not a place to talk, casual perfunctory.

Joe saw Tian Ning Yao's eye, then nodded his head: "well, you has the final say."

has the final say of Qiao Tianchang, who is not a man who has the final say, who will have the final say?

"Let's go."

After a family of four went upstairs, Ning Mengyao told Qiao Tianchang about it.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao helplessly, with a sort of tangled look. Ning Mengyao touches her nose awkwardly: "what, don't be angry, I didn't mean it."

She can't save her life if everyone crashes in? Besides, it's about Grandpa.

After knowing this, Qiao Tianchang didn't go to see the man deliberately either. He just helped Ning Mengyao wash the baby and coax the child to sleep.

It's Qiao Mo Feng who can't sleep. He has been playing with the things in his hand.

"Rest first. It's late now. Play tomorrow." Originally, I wanted to see Ning Mengyao, who was not sleeping. As soon as I pushed the door, I saw Qiao mofeng wearing a long wet hair and sitting cross legged on the bed playing with the things that Qiao Tianchang bought today.

Chongning Mengyao smiled, Qiao mofeng put down the things in his hands: "Niang."

"Well, I don't know how to dry my hair." While muttering, Ning Mengyao helped Joe mofeng wipe his wet hair with a cloth towel.

Joe mofeng felt the touch from his head. It was so warm, which he had never felt before.

When the hair is almost dry, Ning Mengyao puts down the cloth towel in her hand and looks at Qiao mofeng: "well, it's time for you to rest."

"Mom, I see. Good night."

"Good night."