When Ning Mengyao returned to his room, Qiao Tianchang had already washed and sat there waiting.

"How is it?"

"Already asleep."

Lying in bed, Ning Mengyao suddenly couldn't sleep, but Qiao Tianchang, who was sleepy on the edge, couldn't sleep.

"What's the matter?"

"It's OK. I probably slept too much in the daytime, so I can't sleep now." Ning Mengyao murmured a little gloomily.

Qiao Tianchang reaches out his hand and knocks on Ning Mengyao's head. There is obvious helplessness in his eyes. This girl.

After talking to Ning Mengyao for a long time, I heard the sound of breathing in my ear. I reached out to cover the quilt for the big one and closed my eyes.

The next day when Ning Mengyao went to hand in her breakfast, when she came out of the room and saw Qiao mofeng, who was talking to Qiao Tianchang behind, the whole person was stupid and looked at this scene.

Ningmengyao didn't answer her question for half a day. It's strange. What's wrong with this man? Why don't you talk all of a sudden.

"What's wrong with you?"

He didn't return to his mind, and his eyes were a little eager: "he is..."

Along the line of vision did not fall to see the past, impressively is feng'er: "this is my eldest son, what's the matter?"

What did not fall to say, I saw qiaomofeng's vision towards her, I have to say that the spirit of not fall is tense at this moment.

But at last he was disappointed, because he just looked at her with a puzzled eyes, and then turned to talk with Qiao Tianchang, as if he didn't know her at all.

Even if Ning Mengyao doesn't pay attention to it, he can feel the strange appearance: "what's the matter with you?"

"You Can you come in with me? " Did not fall to think, some uneasy said.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang and nods, "Tianchang, you go first, we will come right away."

After Qiao Tianchang left with two children and Qingshuang, Ning Mengyao said, "what do you want me to do?"

"What's the child's name?" Did not fall some anxious to ask.

"Joe mofeng, he has no recollection of the past." Ning Mengyao said casually.

The answer, however, broke the gap: "you said he didn't remember anything?"

No wonder, when he sees himself, he looks like a stranger.

"Yes, what did you ask feng'er to do?" Ningmengyao frowned, secretly alert.

He smiled bitterly: "it's OK. Maybe it's God's retribution for me. I found someone, but he doesn't remember anything."

The loss of soul made Ning Mengyao suddenly think of the news they had investigated in Nanyu. There was not a child left, but he was taken away by others. So far, there is no news.

After a look, is feng'er her child?

"Are you feng'er's mother?" Ning Mengyao asked with some uncertainty.

Not falling body a stiff, then nodded: "yes, just because of my conceit, because of my little affection for the family, will let him become now like this."

If it wasn't for her, her son would not be like this. He would not remember anything. Just thinking of what they looked like to him, maybe he is living well now.

Ningmengyao looks at WeiLuo speechless and saves it. She thinks it's bloody. Who knows that even her son has been saved? She really thinks the world is too small.

"Thank you for saving my son." WeiLuo suddenly stood up and bowed to Ning Mengyao.

"Feng'er is a very good child. You don't need to thank us. What are your plans?" Ning Mengyao looks at it and asks calmly.

I want those who have bullied my son to pay the price. I used to look for him everywhere. Now people have found him. It's enough to know that he has a good life

Some of them can be put down, but some of them can't compromise like this.

Ningmengyao did not lose a look, but shook her head: "in fact, you do not need to do this."

"Those people who gave my son to others when I was working for the family were still a pervert. At that time, they should be ready to pay the price."