When Qiao Tianchang just left, Ning Mengyao didn't really do anything. When they were around the Qiao moshang brothers, they were able to drink vinegar as tea in other times. At last, they looked at Qingshuang painfully.

This kind of things emerge one after another, which makes Qingshuang feel reluctant at the same time.

Along the way, the relationship between the two people has been separated for a very short time, which has always been stuck together. Apart from the necessity, such a time really hasn't been several times.

Ning Mengyao sighed heavily, and felt extremely aggrieved.

"Don't do that, miss. Don't we have a lot to do? Can't you have nothing without my uncle? " This is not the ningmengyao they know.

It's a truth that ningmengyao knows, but she doesn't know why. She feels strange in her heart. She seems to have no strength to do anything.

The national division let people follow after knowing that Qiao Tianchang left, but unexpectedly, after only two days, people lost their heels.

When he thought of tracking Nangong Yan, he was not angry. He just asked people to look for him immediately, but there was no news.

"Master, since the man has left, can we fight with Ning Mengyao?" Some of the people below are uncertain.

The National Teacher glanced at the man beside him: "do you think you are their opponent?"

He is not sure how many people there are around Ning Mengyao. He will not be so vigilant when he changes. But Ning Mengyao can't. He doesn't know when Ning Mengyao will come out with a bunch of tongbaozhai people.

Besides, he hasn't seen all the plays over there. How could he enter the play casually?

"Don't worry, wait for the people over there." Weijia has been looking for people for a long time, but he has never found anyone. Now he has to admire them for their great skill in face changing.

The following people are confused: "but not necessarily home to find people."

"There are opportunities."

After saying this, the national teacher never spoke again, which made the people on the edge itch and wanted to know what was going on.

Weisen is wandering in the street with people at will. Since knowing that the monster has come back, Weisen has been worried about whether something will happen to Weijia, so that he has no time to go out and hang out.

There was no news for several days, which made Weisen couldn't help but feel that there was something wrong with the news he got.

If people really come back, they will definitely find people in their territory.

But now, they have searched the capital city almost, but they still haven't found anyone, which makes him doubt. Is it really his fault?

After a few days in the house, Ning Mengyao finally figured out that instead of staying at home, she came out with her two children.

At first, Qiao mofeng was also interested in seeing people walking across the street. His body was tense subconsciously and his eyes were full of hatred.

Sensing something wrong with him, Ning Mengyao looks across the street. Not far away from them, Weisen is playing with the girl who sells things on the street with her dog legs.

Looking at Weisen, he looked down at Joe mofeng, who was a little out of control

Feeling the strength from the shoulder, Joe mofeng slowly relaxed his body, constantly forcing himself to throw everything related to Weisen behind his head.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao mofeng admiringly. Although her eyes still have different emotions, it's enough.

Hand out patted Qiao Mo Feng's shoulder, lip angle slightly hook: "Maple let's go."


Ningmengyao takes Qiao mofeng to the direction of Weisen.

Weisen used to be very happy, but suddenly he felt a strong line of sight, but when he wanted to see it, the story line had disappeared.

But he came to see a beautiful woman, even though he still had a child in his hand.

Weisen's mouth is crooked. When ningmengyao is going to walk by with Qiao mofeng, his body shape is in front of ningmengyao.