After being blocked by others, Ning Mengyao didn't have any dissatisfaction or anger, just looked at the person in front of her: "what's the matter with this young man?"

"Madam is very familiar, isn't she from here? It's also like people from the Central Plains. " He did not put on a look that he thought was romantic, and that move was accompanied by invisible seduction.

Ningmengyao put up with it and put down the disgust in her heart.

"Is this the only place for Miao people to come?" Ningmengyao's eyes didn't move, and her hands were in the place that others couldn't see. She gently pinched Qiao mofeng's hands, which was to tell him not to lose control of her emotions.

Joe mofeng kept his head down, unwilling to see the man in front of him. He was afraid that he would expose his feelings if he was not careful.

If that's the case, he'll really disgrace his parents.

"This is your brother?" Did not answer Ning Mengyao's words, Weisen's line of sight fell on Qiao mofeng instead.

From the very beginning, the child's eyes are very wrong. He seems to hate himself very much, but he doesn't seem to do anything that makes people and gods angry, right?

Ningmengyao gave him a light glance: "this is my son."

"Oh, so this is your son, what? Who did you just say he was? " Weisen widened his eyes and looked at the woman in front of him. His eyes were full of disbelief.

Ningmengyao was amused by the way Weisen looked: "you didn't hear me wrong. This is my son. Why do you have any opinion?"

Weisen frowned: "madam is thinking of inviting you to have a cup of tea. I wonder if madam would appreciate it?" Weisen was able to suppress the anger in his heart, showing a smile worse than crying.

"I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry, maple. Let's go."

"Niang, let's go to buy the pastry that daddy likes to eat." At this time, Qiao mofeng had adapted to Weisen standing in front of him, and turned to look at Ning Mengyao's greedy face.

Originally it was just an excuse, but when she saw Qiao mofeng like that, she was really soft hearted: "OK, let's go to buy cakes."

Looking at the woman who had ignored him directly, Weisen's face was clear and white, and finally turned to pig liver color.

"Stop for me."

Ningmengyao looks at the man who is in front of her again, and her eyes are deeply disgusted.

"Have you heard a word, young master?"


"Good dog Not in the way. " Ningmengyao's red lips light, said the words, but laughed at the side of the stall, but they can only laugh, for fear of trouble.

"You're a bitch. I think you're lucky. Don't toast here and don't eat any wine. I'll catch you." For the first time, he was scolded in front of so many people, which was a disgrace.


"Feng'er, don't worry. Hold your brother and protect yourself." Ning Mengyao holds Qiao Mo Shang in Qiao Mo Feng's arms and then looks at the people in front of her.

At the time when they came towards themselves, their body shape flashed and they had come behind them.

Kick after kick on the other side's back will kick a dog to chew mud.

There was one who was going to crush Qiao mofeng, but was kicked back by him. The speed and strength made Ning Mengyao clap his hands.

Weisen looked at the situation in front of him, even a half-year-old child was so fierce.

Listening to the murmuring sound around him and the snickering sound from time to time, Weisen's forehead was full of blue tendons. He wished he could eat the two people alive in front of him.

"Do you want to continue?"

"Who are you?" Weisen has never met ningmengyao, and is still such a master, which makes him worry about whether he doesn't know what you miss.

I have wasted too much time here. Ning Mengyao has no interest in spending time with him. So she held the child in Qiao mofeng's arms and took him by the side.

The coming days are long. The present concessions are only for better revenge.

When Ning Mengyao's back was facing Weisen, Weisen raised his hand and patted him straight on the back.