Although she didn't like song Li's appearance, but for her own life, the king of miaojiang could only bear the anger and agreed. Seeing that the king of miaojiang wanted to be angry but didn't dare to do anything, Song Li laughed sarcastically.

As expected, he is a wimp, which can't stand. There's no poison hair yet. He's so scared. What kind of expression will he look like when she's expecting poison hair.

The Miao King crouched down and looked at the crazy woman in front of him. His eyes were cold: "Song Li, you'd better be honest with me, or I can hold you in this position and make you fall down. Besides, don't forget the people of the Song family."

Song Li's face changed, and then she smiled: "I know how to do it. If you dare to touch a hair of Song family, I won't let you go."

"The Song family doesn't need my help. Sooner or later, the Song family will perish in the undecided hands." Hurt someone's son, think it's so easy to bully?

When Song Li asked what was going on, the king of Miao had already left. When he passed by, he didn't even give Song Li a look.

Song Li's close servant girl hurriedly came in to help people up, and looked at Song Li's present appearance with some worry: "why do you want to do this, princess? It won't do you any good. "

"I am free."

"But he seems to have changed."

Song Li doesn't care about this at all, only whether that man can achieve his wish and let Ning Mengyao die in his hands.

In order to survive, the king of Miao should not relax at all. After leaving the house, he asked people to investigate immediately and soon found ningmengyao's residence.

The next night, the king of Miao appeared in a black suit in the yard where Ning Mengyao was. He was the only one who came.

Looking at the lights around him, the king of miaojiang's steps are at the lightest, even his breath seems to be gone.

Although this is the case, Ning Mengyao found out.

At the same time, we found Nanyu people.

When the king of miaojiang wanted to get closer, a few men in black suddenly appeared at the door of their room. Their eyes were very cold, as if they were looking at a dying man.

The king of Miao, who came in easily, saw that the faces of these people changed. From the perspective of momentum, the means of these people must be not bad at all.

"Who are you?" Such a question, let Ning Mengyao step out of the pause.

"Did the Miao King break into other people's houses in the middle of the night just to ask such a question?" Ningmengyao's cold voice came to mind from the room, and the face of the king of Miao changed.

Looking at the woman coming out of the room, the king of miaojiang stared. He thought Song Li was the best woman, but when he saw Ning Mengyao, he found that this woman was the most attractive.

Plus her identity, the power behind her, if we can make this woman obedient to him

As soon as he thought about it, the king of Miao felt hot all over, but Ning Mengyao's eyes were cold.

"Nanyu people gave it to you."

After ningmengyao called out the identity of the other side, Nanyu knew that the man in front of him was the one who had killed his family.

The hatred and murderous spirit in the eyes erupted completely at this moment.

Nanyu looks at the king of Miao.

He had been waiting for a long time that day. Finally, he could help his family get revenge.

Nanyu is not a strange name to the king of Miao. It even became his dream charm at the beginning.

"You are a wild seed, and you are still alive."

Nanyu sneered: "you are not dead, how can I die?"

"Less nonsense." With a sneer, the Miao King galloped in the direction of the South Island, with a black hand toward the direction of the South Island.

Looking at the black objects in front of him, Nanyu smiled sarcastically: "did the king of Miao nationality learn something like that these years? This is not enough for my daughter-in-law. "

As if to confirm Nanyu's words, in the action of Qingshuang, those black things pounce on the new moon and keep falling.