The curtain was so dazzling in the eyes of the king of Miao. He looked at the woman in front of him and said, "what did you do?"

At first, he thought about what to do when he saw the enemy, but when he saw it, his heart was very calm, as if these things had not been able to cause him too much emotional fluctuation for a long time.

He has been waiting for so long, is it still a while away?

Qingshuang stands beside Nanyu Island, and Ning Mengyao stands behind him and looks at the king of Miao, with his hands around his chest and a smile like opening: "the king of Miao looks like you are not good at learning."

"You I will spare you my life. " Originally because of ningmengyao very angry Miao king, suddenly look at this South Island, said cold.

The only thing he could think of was that Nanyu used Gu Wang to suppress his own Gu insects. Otherwise, how could a woman in the Central Plains hurt his precious Gu insects.

Nanyu stall opened, the palm slowly appeared a very good-looking, but people feel strange insects.

"Want to? Are you sure you won't die in his hands when you get it? " Now this Gu king is not of the same level as he was more than ten years ago. If he dare to give it, he is afraid that Nanyu won't dare.

Seeing that Gu Wang, the Miao King's eyes are bright, his eyes are dead. Gu Wang

It's really Gu Wang. He has been looking for it for so many years, and really found it.

"Give it to me." The king of Miao has forgotten his purpose of coming here. Now he has only one idea in his mind, that is to get the Gu king.

The Gu king in Nanyu's hand suddenly flew to the king of Miao. When the king of Miao was too late to be happy, he screamed loudly and kept rolling over his chest.

And the insects on the wrist just now have disappeared.

"What have you done, you bastard?"

"What did you do? Don't you want it? I didn't give it to you? It's just that you seem to have that life, not that life. " Nanyu looks at the king of miaojiang sarcastically. He doesn't worry at all. He can't get back to him.

Miao Wang took a cruel look at Nanyu. Just when he wanted to leave, he had a sharp pain in his chest. Then he felt his chest was wet, as if something had come out.

Hurriedly pulled open his clothes, and then the king of miaojiang opened his eyes in fear.

The smell of blood filled with the action of the king of Miao, and Nan Yu laughed with joy: "don't you want to be king Gu? How good is it to you? "

Now the king of Miao has really regretted it. He didn't expect that the Gu king had become like this.

"Get it for me." The king of miaojiang kept waving his hands, as if he was struggling.

Nanyu sneered and said, "is it painful? At the beginning, my brother and I were in such pain, and my family was in such pain. You asked for it. It's just like watching you die. It seems that it's too cheap for you. "

Finally, Nanyu got the Gu Wang out of the body of the Miao king, and touched his fingertips gently. The Gu Wang in the palm of his hand said, "you I won't let it go. Don't you care about this seat? I'll let you watch you take your seat. How did my family die in the first place? I'll pay you double. "

Ningmengyao never spoke. In fact, she was really curious. The king of Miao dare to come here alone.

Is he too confident in his own strength or too belittled them?

In any case, the reason why the king of miaojiang became like this is because of his conceit.

"Nanyu is still useful."

When Nan Yu wanted to start, Ning Mengyao suddenly stopped him.

If the king of miaojiang died at this time, I'm afraid that only the national teacher would succeed, right?

Although the dark Chinese teachers are all in power in this country, in the eyes of all people, the king of Miao is their leader.

At this time, if the king of miaojiang died in their hands, it would only cause unnecessary trouble, and might let the national teacher put all the responsibilities on them, and then shut the door and turn from the dark to the bright.