Nanyu was able to follow Qiao Tianchang on the battlefield for so many years. Naturally, he had some brains. Of course, he knew the importance of the king of Miao to Miao now.

"Sister in law..."

"As long as people can't die, but deal with the trouble." Ningmengyao can understand Nanyu and kill his family. He is already in front of him. He naturally wants to revenge for his family.

Nanyu nodded, "don't worry, sister-in-law. I won't spoil your business." The means of tormenting people, their husband and wife went to more, naturally will not let the king of Miao better.

The story that Wang of Miao was detained by Ning Mengyao soon spread to the National Teacher's ears.

Hearing that Ning Mengyao stopped Nanyu from avenging, the master of the state laughed.

"She is a very clever girl. She knows that the man can't die now, but she has missed one thing."

"What do you mean, master?"

"I went to see her myself. Anyway, it's still the king of Miao." Although the words were said that way, but also the following people heard from the words of the national teacher that they didn't care about the king of Miao.

When someone knocks at ningmengyao's house, ningmengyao looks at three: "open the door."

"It's the princess."

Three walk to the door to open the door, I see several people standing outside, the front of the man in white, with a hood on his head.

"What can I do for you?"

"I want to see your princess."

Three eyes a change, it seems to guess the identity of the person in front of, sideways let people in.

Ningmengyao single hand percussion desktop, looking at the man who came in, this person gives him a very familiar feeling, as if in some place.

"I don't know if you'll be able to welcome us from afar." Ning Mengyao looks at the man in white with mockery.

The grand master stepped in, and then laughed, "you are welcome, princess."

Ningmengyao listens to the man's voice, which is low, as if she is deliberately suppressing something. Rao is like this, she still feels familiar.

"I don't know what happened when the national teacher came here?" Don't want to be involved with this man too much, Ning Mengyao asked directly.

The master took off his hood and revealed his face with mask.

Looking at those eyes, Ning Mengyao's eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was more familiar with them.

"The night before yesterday, Wang came to visit you and hasn't returned yet." Guoshi didn't finish his words, and said that Wang's night break into the house was a visit, as if all things were their fault.

Ning Mengyao is playing with the cup in her hand, looking up at the person in front of her lazily: "visit? It seems that the king of Miao didn't understand the rules. He came to visit others' houses in the middle of the night and shouted to kill them. Isn't it Is Miao's way of hospitality? "

The action in the master's hand was a meal, and then he laughed: "it's really worthy of being the person in charge of tongbaozhai."

"Can I say that it is worthy of being a master of Miao nationality who covers the sky?" Ningmengyao is not polite at all.

Although the Guoshi didn't care about Ning Mengyao's rudeness, the people behind him were not happy: "look for death."

Ningmengyao's eyes were cold and her hands were cold. Then all the people heard the sound of weapons falling and the groan.

"You are something."

Guo Shi squints at Ning Mengyao's soft sword: "snow falling sword."

Ningmengyao took back the sword and looked at the National Teacher coldly: "how is it?"

"I've heard that someone threw a lot of money to buy a sword. I didn't believe it very much, but now I do." Guoshi's sight falls on the snow falling sword in Ning Mengyao's hand.

Ningmengyao's lips are slightly crooked: "how can the national teacher be short of money? How about a little for you, madam Ben? "

What is charity? This is, in front of others, when they say that they are short of money, they also use this tone to say something to them. If they heard this, they would be angry for a long time. Unfortunately, the people present are not others, but the National Teachers of Miao.

"I still have this money."

"In that case, what do you envy?"

National Teacher choked for a while, he just asked casually, how to become envy?

"You..." When people behind the national division wanted to say something, they were stopped by him.