Guoshi has not spoken, Ning Mengyao has not spoken, just holding the tea cup on the stone table, there is no one to drink.

"What do you want?"

"I don't like to hear that, what do I think? This is what you want, OK? Are you really going to let me set the king of miaojiang free, or do you want him to put out the anger that I was disturbed to rest? " Ningmengyao said this casually, but the national teacher was speechless.

Because she was disturbed to sleep, she would teach others?

"The national teacher should be glad that I have people who know about insects and insects around me, otherwise Miao area will not be calm now." Ningmengyao naturally understood the meaning of the national teacher. Her lips were slightly hooked, and she looked at the white man in front of her with a smile.

Guoshi looked at ningmengyao, and he understood the meaning of ningmengyao. I'm afraid that night, the king of miaojiang used insects.

"If the national division wants me to let people go, I will naturally listen to them. Who wants us to be on your territory now?" Ning Mengyao spread out his hands and opened his mouth helplessly.

The national teacher on the opposite side of the mouth is always pumping, not so burying people.

"If you want people to stay, then stay, not yet?" Don't say it in such a weird way, OK?

Ning Mengyao sneered, "should I thank the national teacher for his success?"

Originally, the national teacher came with confidence today. He was confident that he could take the king of Miao.

It was only for a moment that his self-confidence was turned into a cinder by seconds.

"Ningmengyao, you shouldn't be like this." The national teacher suddenly said that.

Why does a gentle person like ya'er have such a daughter?

Ning Mengyao chuckled and said, "what does the master think of me? At the mercy of others, bullied by others? Should I be like this? "

The national teacher was silent, looked at Ning Mengyao and got up to leave.

Ning Mengyao looked at the figure of the Guoshi leaving, and suddenly said, "the Guoshi will take care of my father, and he will pay back a hundred times in the future."

Suddenly a word, let the pace of the National Teacher pause, then turned to look at Ning Mengyao: "do you think I caught people?"

"You are white ink, aren't you?" Ning Mengyao didn't answer the national teacher, just looked at him and said with a smile.

The master's eyes flickered: "white ink you said Who is it? "

Ningmengyao laughed, laughing very happy, do not know who is white ink? It doesn't matter.

"Ha ha, the acting skill of the national teacher is really so good. He has the same body shape as Bai Mo, and even the voice is very similar. Did you take the medicine to change the voice? Also, as like as two peas, you have found that there is a scar just like the white ink in your right wrist and inside. Ningmengyao's words changed the face of the national teacher.

Subconsciously raise your hand to see the wound on your wrist.

It was only after his reaction that he found out that he had been cheated.

However, since she has found out, there is no need to continue to hide.

He reached out his hand and took off the mask on his face, revealing the face that Naning Mengyao had seen.

Ning Mengyao looked at the face, his face changed: "it's you indeed."

When she heard this man's voice in the secret room, she was still strange, but now all doubts have been solved.

It's just that her heart is not worth replacing her father. At that time, she advised her father, but he trusted him wholeheartedly.

I'm afraid it's not a good taste for the trusted person to stab in the back?

"When did you find out?" White ink looked at Ning Mengyao, with a faint smile in his eyes, but the smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes.

Ning Mengyao glanced at Bai Mo: "there are many doubts, especially those eyes and voices."

White ink reached out his hand and touched his eyes, then smiled: "I see."

"I'm curious why you had to treat my father like that. He trusted you so much." Even now, Nangong Yan doesn't believe that Bai Mo betrayed him, but that's the truth.

"Don't worry about adults, little girl. It's not good for you to stay here too long." Bai Mo also did not know what the reason was, and said such a sentence to Ning Mengyao.