Ning Mengyao looks at Bai Mo: "my mother is in your hand, right?" Ignoring Bai Mo's words, Ning Mengyao looks straight into Bai Mo's eyes.

White ink mouth slightly hook: "I have to say you are really smart."

Although he didn't admit it directly, he was also admitting in disguise that Xiao Chengya was in his hands.


"Why? Because I don't like it. I know ya'er better than Nangong Yan, but ya'er likes Nangong Yan and even gives birth to you. " White ink's indifferent and elegant expression is completely broken at this moment.

On that face, there is no grace, but only hatred. I wish Nangong Yan could defeat his hatred.

"No matter how you feel, how about taking my mother with you? She didn't wake up at all. " Ningmengyao subconsciously thought of the woman in the secret room. Is that her mother?

Bai Mo hated that someone said this to him. He looked at Ning Mengyao with red eyes and said, "you know what, you don't know anything."

White ink bent his fingers to form claws and galloped towards Ning Mengyao. That action was to kill her at first sight.

Ningmengyao is not really just a vase. She quickly dodges and waves back the three who want to help.

Looking at the ferocious appearance of white ink, Ning Mengyao suddenly felt that her mother's charm was not small.

"I really don't know, I just know because you let me have no mother." Ningmengyao dodges the deadly attack of Baimo, then dodges behind him and slaps Baimo on the back.

Bai Mo didn't realize it for a while. It was too late to hide. Although he had tried to hide as much as possible, he was hurt by Ning Mengyao.


White ink's subordinates saw that he was hurt and his face changed greatly. They were stopped just before they started: "your opponent is us."

Looking at the people in front of them, the other several people were very angry: "you look for death."

The two sides quarreled with each other, and Ning Mengyao and their place entered the stage of white heat.

Bai Mo's skill is much more powerful than Ning Mengyao's. If she continues like this, she will only be hurt in the end.

Now we can reach a draw with Bai Mo, but it's because he is blinded by anger. When he calms down, it's when she loses.

At this time, Ning Mengyao can't care much about the morality of the Jianghu. After a while, xueluojian appears in her hand.

With the help of snow falling sword, Ning Mengyao gradually gained the upper hand, and the national teacher gradually calmed down, but at the same time, it also revealed a flaw.

Grasping this flaw, Ning Mengyao held up a sword flower and stabbed it in the past. At the same time, another hand hit Bai Mo's chest with one hand.

A palm, a sword, let white ink a blood spurt out.

He reached out and wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth. Looking at Ning Mengyao, who was not far away from him, he said, "I look down on you."

Ningmengyao didn't speak, although there was no extra expression on her face, but her body was always tense and ready to move at any time.

Baimo laughs: "you are really the daughter of Nangong Yan. OK, good. I'm waiting for you to come to the palace."

Finish saying to jump, with a body of injury left, the air only left a faint smell of blood.

After Baimo left, his subordinates also followed him out of the standing circle and ran after him.

When he got back to his residence, white ink came out again, and his face was much whiter than before.

He reached out his hand and pointed at his big acupoints. Looking at the bleeding wound on his shoulder, Bai Mo laughed at himself. For many years, he was hurt like this.

"Are you OK, master? Please punish me. " The man who came after him knelt on one knee.

White ink waved: "it's OK to raise."

"The Lord's subordinates will bandage your wound first."


White ink closed his eyes and leaned on the reclining chair, leaving his subordinates to help him deal with the wound.

It's true that we have dealt with the sword injury, but the internal injury is not good for a while.

Reached out and rubbed his chest, dull pain or the feeling of cleaning.

"The Lord will go down and kill her."