Moreover, when things are in the hands of the boss, he doesn't think they will be robbed by others.

"How did you find the fox, boss?"

"He came here by accident last time. He came here by himself." Qiao Tianchang didn't hide it, he said as he walked.

Nanqi stops for a moment, boss, can you not be so good?

Qiao Tianchang looked at nanqiyi and said, "I can't envy you."

With the last experience, Qiao Tianchang didn't have much difficulty when he entered the dark river. By then, he was almost washed away by the river in the south.

"Boss, what's the matter with you coming here?" It's OK to run from the secret road to the forbidden area of Miao, but now he still wants to walk from the dark river. What does he want?

"Don't talk too much, you'll know later."

Nanqi closed his mouth and walked carefully behind Qiao Tianchang.

"Why is there a secret way here?" Looking back at the secret Road, Nanqi can't help howling.

"Well, let's go." Joe Tianchang stares at Nanqi. He's a fool. He's still in the mood to talk about it here.

Nanqi hurriedly followed. When he got to a place, Qiao Tianchang suddenly stopped.

When Nanqi wanted to ask what, Qiao Tianchang hurriedly covered his mouth: "shut up."

Nanqi wants to cry without tears and looks at his eldest brother. He stares gloomily: "eldest brother, can you not be so violent?"

"Shut up."

When Qiao Tianchang's hand just touched the mechanism, he heard the voice coming from there. He put his hand down, leaned against the wall, and listened to the conversation quietly.

White ink sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Xiao, orange and Ya on the bed. His face was still a little pale. It was obvious that the injury before was not good.

"Ya'er, your daughter is really different from you. Her ability makes me think of destroying her. How about I destroy her? Will you wake up like this? " White ink said to himself, but he didn't find out. Xiao orange Ya's fingers moved.

Qiao Tianchang's face turned very ugly when he listened to what seemed to be nothing coming from the opposite side. The man wanted to fight his wife, which was unforgivable.

Nanqi shrinks his neck and looks at Qiao Tianchang. He wants to cry without tears. The eldest brother is terrible.

Two people stood there listening for a long time. When the seven feet in the South were almost standing numb, there was no sound coming from the opposite side.

Qiao Tianchang didn't go in at once. He was still waiting there until the sound of the stone gate closing came from the opposite side. Then he relaxed a little.

"Boss, who is in there?" There are some guesses in Nanqi's heart.

Qiao Tianchang nodded: "well, it's Xiao Chengya, the long Princess of Xiao Kingdom, and it's also your sister-in-law's mother." At this time, Qiao Tianchang will not hide from Nanqi.

Nanqi looks at Qiao Tianchang in shock: "how do you know?"

"I guessed it in the last accident."

"Boss, what are you going to do?"

"Take people away."

Nanqi shook his head, and some disapproved of Qiao Tianchang's doing this: "you can't do that now, my eldest brother. Now my sister-in-law has to take care of two children, and my aunt doesn't wake up, so she needs someone to take care of her side. If she's not found out, it's OK. If she's found out, it will only bring us trouble, and we may not be able to protect her so much All. "

Since Qiao Tianchang would say that, these problems are naturally taken into consideration. I don't want to see ningmengyao hurt her mind every day for this matter.

"I know you're for the sake of my sister-in-law, but it's really not the time. When my aunt is in this place, the other party will take care of her, and there will be no danger. Not only that, you will take away people now, and you will only scare others." It is only at this time that Joe Tianchang makes such a judgment.

Qiao Tianchang looked at the stone gate in silence and finally put his hand on the mechanism.

After the stone door opened, Qiao Tianchang went to the bedside and looked at the woman still lying on the bed.

This time, it didn't make much difference with the last time, but the face seemed better.

"Look, eldest brother, Auntie is well taken care of, so you don't have to worry."