Qiao Tianchang takes a look at Xiao Chengya in bed, and naturally knows that she is well taken care of, but he still wants to take people away, and then let Qingshuang or her master have a look.

"Boss, you..."

"I know how to do it." Qiao Tianchang looked around and finally left with Nanqi. As long as the people are good, they have a chance to come here.

Nanqi is a little relieved. Now they are not suitable to take a patient with them. If someone is awake, there is no problem, but the key is that they are still unconscious. This is a big goal, and they can be found everywhere.

After they left the stone room, Nanqi looked at Qiao Tianchang and said, "where are we going now, boss?"

"Follow me."

Qiao Tianchang came here for another place.

Last time they left in a hurry, there was no chance to explore the place where he had some doubts. There was always a feeling that he could solve the answer in his heart.

Since Bai Mo was threatened by Ning Mengyao, he has been worried. Will Ning Mengyao really do what she said?

If she did, all his efforts in those years would have been in vain.

"Let the householder come to see me."


Originally called the head of Weijia, the last one came to Weisen. The reason is that his father Weiyan left miaojiang and went to the Central Plains some time ago.

White Mo looks at Weisen and frowns: "you mean Weiyan has been to Xiaoguo for a while?"

"Yes." Weisen's answer was a little cautious, for fear of angering the man in front of him.

"But what do you want to go for?"

Weisen breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly said, "my father used to talk about this because he said that he would like to increase cooperation with us. My father talked about it in the past. The day before yesterday, he heard that he had reached an agreement with tongbaozhai."

As soon as white Mo's face changed, he didn't expect the action of Weijia to be so fast.

But I'm afraid it would be the same if I were someone else.

"Guoshi Is there anything else? " See white ink has been silent did not speak, this let Weisen some worry, worry about is because he said something wrong, so annoyed white ink.

"Can we stop the cooperation now?"

Weisen didn't understand why Bai Mo said this, but he shook his head: "I'm afraid not, because every time we cooperate, Weijia has signed a contract with tongbaozhai. If we break the contract unilaterally, we will compensate the other party three times as much."

How much is three times the loss? That's what he can't even imagine.

Especially this time, according to my father, he has increased a lot of cooperation.

Bai Mo didn't expect tongbaozhai to be so smart, but also, without this ability, tongbaozhai can't develop to this point.

"Go down."

After the salute, Weisen turns around and leaves. After leaving the white ink study, Weisen finds that his back is wet with sweat, as if he has just experienced some intense sports.

"Master, is that all right now?" He also understood that if the contract was terminated, the consequences would not be much better than that of Ning Mengyao.

Everyone knows that tongbaozhai is a piece of fat. As long as we can build a cooperative relationship with each other and do not die on our own, we will eventually turn to a full bowl.

So, such a contract, for them, is dispensable.

For business people, it's what idiots do if they don't make money.

"Now I'm afraid we can only go one step at a time. Tongbaozhai is so deep that no one knows how powerful its real power is." Judging from what happened in lingguo, Ning Mengyao didn't do her best at that time, instead, she had the nature of playing tickets. Otherwise, lingguo would not last that long.

No matter in any way, Miao can't compare with lingguo. It's too easy for ningmengyao to start.

Especially after the cooperation between Weijia and tongbaozhai has been increased.

He didn't think that ningmengyao only moved his hand and foot on Weijia. If all the businesses in miaojiang were like this, he would not dare to think about the consequences.