Qingshuang reaches out and pats Nanyu's cheek: "you still have me and Xiaoqi. We will have children in the future. Revenge is not the only thing in your life. As a brother, shouldn't you watch Xiaoqi marry and have children?"

When Nanyu heard this, his heart suddenly opened up. Qingshuang was right. Besides revenge, he had many things to do. He had Qingshuang and his younger brother who would accompany him.

"Thank you."

"There's no need to say thank you between us. That's all. He's not going to end well. Let's go out." Nanyu hasn't left this room in a single step these days. She's even a little excited. Qingshuang is always on the side because she's worried about him. She occasionally takes a rest in the next room.

Ning Mengyao looks at the two people finally willing to come out, can't help but have no words: "I said you two, people didn't play for me dead?"

"No." Nanyu shakes her head.

"But it's almost there." Green frost is added on one side.

Ning Mengyao paused for a moment, then looked at the two helplessly: "you two are really All right, go and have a rest. "

Originally, I wanted to teach them a lesson, but when I saw their tired face, I swallowed the lesson.

Watching the two people leave intimately, Ning Mengyao sighs and turns back to her room. She doesn't know when Tianchang will be able to come back.

At the moment, Qiao Tianchang is in a underground palace, which is a place they have never passed before.

Nanqi leaned against the wall, looking at Qiao Tianchang, who was a little haggard.

They don't know how many days they have come in. They have almost no preparation. If there is no material object, it's OK. If there is no water, there will be a bit of trouble.

"Boss, we've been in this place for many days. We can't find any more exits. We're going to explain it here." Looking at Qiao Tianchang who has not given up looking for a way out, Nanqi said seriously.

Qiao Tianchang ignored the chattering of Nanyu Island, but carefully fumbled for the things on the wall.

Several times before, they all found the stone gate from the wall. Now it must be OK.

"If you have time to speak ill of it there, you might as well come and help together as soon as possible."

Nanqi reached out and touched his nose. He he smiled and began to help him find it.

These days, Weisen is called a rising wind and water. When Weiyan was there, he was more or less afraid of it. But now, Weiyan is out and hasn't come back for a while.

This is a great opportunity for Weisen. He even has the idea that Weiyan will never come back in his life.

As long as Weiyan doesn't come back, Weijia will become his.

It's great to be in power.

After Weisen controlled some power of his family in the name of Weiyan, Weisen finally remembered the woman who dared not to give him face on the street.

As long as he thought about this, he felt very uncomfortable, as if he had swallowed a fly.

It doesn't matter when I don't think about it, but now when I think about it, Weisen can't stand it for a moment.

"I'll keep you looking at that woman. How are you doing?" Weisen said with haze in his eyes.

The people on the edge shrunk their necks and looked at him in a frightened way: "the young master hasn't pulled back, just..."

"That's enough. Go and bring me back immediately. Remember that I want not only the woman, but also the two children." Weisen impatiently interrupts the other party's words. He just wants to get back at the woman severely now. He doesn't have so much time to listen to them.

Several guards of Weisen look at each other, but they are helpless. I'm afraid that the young master will kick the iron plate this time.

It was night. The guards from Weijia came to the house where they now live in ningmengyao. There were many people, including some experts.

The whole house was quiet, as if there was no one in it.