In the dark, Ning Mengyao's hands encircled her chest and looked at the intruder with a smile.

He was the king of Miao, who is this time?

White ink can be eliminated directly. That person will not do such a thankless thing at all.

Then there is only one, that is, Weisen.

For Weisen's means, there is not enough to see in front of ningmengyao, especially when ningmengyao already knew it.

Qingshuang stood by ningmengyao's side: "do you want them to make trouble in our house so arrogant?"

"What are you worried about? There is a saying called shut the door and beat the dog. Let's try it today to see if it's really that interesting. " Ningmengyao's lips are slightly hooked up, with an ironic smile on her face.

When Qingshuang's eyes brightened and she nodded fiercely, it sounded very interesting.

When the homeless step by step into the center of the yard, the most powerful man in the middle finally realized something was wrong.

"Let's go. There's an ambush."

In the dark, Ning Mengyao shook her head regretfully. It was so close that people fell down directly. Unexpectedly, she was so alert, which disappointed her.

When they heard of the ambush and said to leave, they immediately turned around and prepared to leave. But ningmengyao didn't give them the chance. They came out from the dark and looked at them indifferently: "since they have come, then don't go."

The leader opened his eyes in horror and looked at Ning Mengyao dead.

They haven't done anything at all. These people even know it?

He bit his teeth and said, "try to get rid of it."

"If you want to live, Nanyu can still play for you." Ningmengyao looks at Nanyu like a child.

Nan Yu looks at Ning Mengyao with a black line all over his head, and his mouth twitches slightly. He seems to say to his sister-in-law, can you stop talking to him in this tone? It's weird, okay?

Finally, Nanyu decides to ignore Ning Mengyao's words directly. Then she flashes into the encirclement and picks the man who is the leader.

"If you want to go, I didn't stop you. Do you envy, envy and hate like this?" Seeing Qingshuang, ningmengyao looks at Nanyu with envy. She is amused.

Being teased, Qingshuang reaches out and touches his nose. Hehe and Yile join the circle.

In the whole yard, I'm afraid that Ning Mengyao is the only one who is more leisurely. If there's no one looking for death, she's just standing at the side of the opera. Of course, if there's someone looking for death, she won't mind doing it directly.

Half an hour's effort, dozens of people have come only to fight with Nanyu.

"Have you had enough fun on Nan Yu?" She doesn't believe this is the level of Nanyu.


With enough of Nanyu's words, the leading man found that the momentum of Nanyu changed in a moment.

In just a few rounds, the other side was defeated. Nanyu stood by his side and looked at him with wide eyes. He didn't seem to believe that he would lose.

Ning Mengyao looked at them and said, "Weisen asked you to come? It's just a pity that I have the strength but no brain. I don't know if I'm trapped. "

The first man, his face a green and white, in short, very ugly.

If we don't know that Weisen cheated them now, he's really cute.


"These people in Nanyu are playing for you. They will be released at noon tomorrow." Ningmengyao's mouth is slightly hooked.

After being treated as toys by them in Nanyu, they were put back again. What interesting things would they do? Ning Mengyao expressed his great expectation for this.

At noon the next day, Nanyu really abided by the agreement to release those who were not dead.

However, their faces are not very good-looking, especially the leader, who has a ferocious expression and is eager to eat people.

"Don't you worry, sister-in-law, that he doesn't do anything? Weisen is now the leader of Weijia. " Weiyan didn't come back, and Weisen had enough rights. When they did that, they really worried that those people would swallow this tone back to their stomachs because they didn't dare to go to people because of Weisen's identity.

Ningmengyao shook her head: "no worry, because I know they will find Weisen, and they will make a lot of trouble."


"Then you will know."