Ningmengyao's enigmatic smile made Nanyu and Qingshuang shrink their necks, hoping that those who were calculated by the young lady (sister-in-law) would live longer.

That person's identity is not an ordinary Jianghu person. If she doesn't read the martial arts way wrong, she should be from Qinglin school and Mingze's martial brother.

Sure enough, when the other party came back to Weiyuan's house, without waiting for Weisen to ask about their results, he clapped them directly.

"What do you mean to shine?" Weisen, who escaped the attack, was also a little angry and glared at Mingyao.

Mingyao snorted coldly, "are you really a fool before you leave?"

If the woman didn't want to go to the theatre, he would be a cold corpse now. This is for the damned guy. He didn't tell him anything, so he encouraged him to help revenge.

Now I think what they said is reasonable, elder martial brother. His head is too simple and easy to be cheated. Now, isn't there a bright Liezi?

Weisen frowned, a little strange: "what's the matter with you? What did someone say in front of you? "

It is a good thing for Weijia and the relationship between them is also very good.

Yesterday, he just said something casually. Mingyao took people to help him. He didn't care about it. It's unbelievable how Qinglin school could raise such an apprentice.

Mingyao sneers: "what did someone say in front of me? Weisen, I ask you, who are you asking me to help you catch? "

Weisen's heart thumped, his eyes twinkled slightly, and then he recovered the calm that he should have.

Weisen looked at Mingyao with a smile on his face, a little strange: "that's the lady of an ordinary family. I'm in love with her, but I've been humiliated by her, so I want to teach her a lesson."

Although the bright mind is a little straight, it is not the kind of person without brain.

Weisen's appearance is very clear to Mingyao. He immediately said coldly: "ordinary lady? Weisen, you're still lying to me? "

" I didn't. "

"No? You're on a big deal this time. " Mingyao looks at Weisen with a sneer.

The identity of that woman, he has guessed who it is.

Unlike Weisen, Mingyao knows about the people who are very famous in the Central Plains, including Ning Mengyao.

Ningmengyao has a son, and there are many capable people around her. The people she saw yesterday are, and there are two such abnormal couples around her, which makes Mingyao's heart have a guess.

It's just guesswork, but it can't prove anything. Just now when we saw the expression of Weisen, Mingyao knew that Weisen was still cheating himself.

His purpose is clear with a little thought.

If it succeeds, people are caught by him. If it's not hurt, it's OK. If something happens, it's not only him, but also the whole Qinglin sect.

No matter it's the Regent's palace or the general's Qinglin sect, they can't afford to fight with officials since ancient times, especially with a tongbaozhai.

Mingyao gives Weisen a slap when he thinks about other things.

Weisen Meng's hind legs took several steps, and the corners of his mouth began to bleed.

"What are you doing?"

"That's the price of using me."

Weisen heart low curse, how to be found?

Weisen's advice makes Mingyao disgusted. What is the purpose of such a person to make friends with him?

"Vison, you'd better not appear in front of me in the future. I can't help but want to crush you." Mingyao looks at Weisen's bloodthirsty voice.

When Weisen's face changed, he thought of an idea in his heart. He hurriedly covered his chest and stood up. He didn't even wipe the blood on the corner of his mouth, so he stopped in front of the bright light to leave.

"It's not right for me to show off this matter. I didn't tell you the real situation. You hurt me. How about even this matter?"