Eyes confused and flash, Xiao Chengya propped up his body slowly sat up, after seeing everything around, eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

Why is she here?

Xiao wants to get out of bed, but finds that she can't control her body very well.

Even raising your hand takes a long time.

Looking down at his hands, these hands are very white, but with a morbid pallor, not so healthy.

She remembers that she should have died. Why did she stay here.

He reached out his hand and rubbed his head, but found that his memory seemed to stay at that time, only vaguely remembering what someone said around him.

It's just that she can't remember what she said.

Xiao didn't wake up very long. Within half an hour, she was lying in bed and closed her eyes. When Bai Mo came to see her, she didn't find out. Xiao had already woke up.

White Mo reaches out his hand and helps Xiao orange to pull the quilt, sighs: "why did ya'er choose Nangong Yan? Even if the last person you choose is me, it will not fall to the present situation. "

"Your child is already here. I'm a little frightened by what she has to do now. This pen is really big. She wants to raise her appetite, but she doesn't know it's just raising the tiger." What kind of person is Weijia? Bai Mo is very clear.

If Ning Mengyao continues to indulge Weisen in this way, then in the end, tongbaozhai will not suffer any harm, but Weijia will surely be the only one because of them.

White ink, as usual, said this with Xiao Chengya, looking at the woman lying on the bed with her eyes closed, with thick helplessness in her eyes.

Since Xiao Chengya woke up, every night she would wake up for a period of time, but the time is not very long, but one thing is that she can hear Bai Mo's words even when she is sleeping.

She heard Bai Mo talk about her daughter, and she heard Bai Mo talk about the man she loved deeply. She knew that the man had never married and had never given up looking for her.

I also know that my daughter has been married and even has children. Not only that, she has her own skills, but also knows a lot.

Getting these news, even knowing that her daughter and beloved are here and still looking for her, Xiao would love to be able to fly to their side, accompany them and have a good look at her daughter.

After laissez faire for a period of time and enough for him, Ning Mengyao took the evidence that he had done with tongbaozhai into her hand, and a vicious smile came from the corner of her mouth.

All those evidences are green bamboo: "green bamboo is a matter for you to do."

"Young lady, don't worry, I will make him unable to eat, and walk around in his arms," said a strong smile in green bamboo's eyes

Ningmengyao was stunned, then he laughed: "I'm at ease when you do things."

Qingzhu takes the evidence given by ningmengyao and takes two people with him and goes to Weijia.

When Weisen knew that tongbaozhai was coming, he was still very confused. How could someone come so soon?

And it's still this time. Is it Weiyan?

At the thought of this possibility, Weisen was very happy for no reason. Now, Weiyan is so busy that he doesn't want Weiyan to come back and share his credit.

He has been away for so long without coming back. Now the people of tongbaozhai are coming again. This is obviously to give himself a chance.

As long as I think about this, the smile on Weisen's face becomes more and more obvious. Regardless of the beauty on the edge, I hurriedly welcome people out in person.

"Excuse me, are you..." Looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, Weisen is itchy. Is this woman the one who came to tongbaozhai this time? If so, then he can send. If he gets this woman, then he can't use this woman to take some things from tongbaozhai as his own?