Green bamboo looks at the man in front of him, his eyes are flashing, and his lips are smiling sarcastically. How dare such a man think of her? It's just a dream.

"It doesn't matter who I am, it's important that you are not Weisen." Green bamboo is cold a face, the face is expressionless looking at the man in front of, indifferent opening.

When he heard this, he was more happy. He came for him.

"In that case, come in, let's go in and say." Weisen looked at the green bamboo with a smile. If she didn't have something to do, she would slap the man. It's not too disgusting.

After taking the green bamboo into the house, the woman inside looks at the green bamboo with alert eyes, as if she knows what will rob him.

The woman's appearance, let the green bamboo squint and look at some, finally sneer: "it seems that the recent young master has been really good."

Weisen was stunned. Then he smiled dryly: "I'm flattered."

"Weisen used tongbaozhai to do something. I wonder if it happened?" Green bamboo looks at Weisen's light mouth.

Weisen's eyes flickered a little and then smiled: "it's not true naturally. How can I do such a thing?"

Even if it's done, it can't be said in front of these people.

Green bamboo looked at Weisen indifferently: "is that right? Then look at these things. " Green bamboo will bring some evidence to Weisen.

Weisen's heart was cold, but he couldn't see it at all. He took the paper in the hand of green bamboo and looked at it carefully. When he saw the above content, he was totally stupid.

Didn't he do all these things? Because he felt that tongbaozhai had been used as a backer, so that he was floating around. Then, with the partners in their hands, he got a lot of benefits by using tongbaozhai.

At the beginning, other people didn't want to believe that it was true, but slowly they did. Who made Weijia and tongbaozhai trade more and more?

He always thought that emperor Tian Gao was far away, even if tongbaozhai was no more powerful, this Miao area was his own territory, even if they wanted to check, they would not find this place.

But now, for the first time, he feels distrust of himself, which stems from what he sees today.

Looking down at the evidence in his hand, he can see when he went to find someone and how much he got in return. It's clearly written on it, even at the low point and so on.

This gave him no chance to argue even if he wanted to.

Qingzhu sits looking at Weisen's changing face and thinks it's very interesting. How dare such a person use tongbaozhai to seek his own interests? I just don't know what to do.

"Here Is there any misunderstanding? " Weisen looked at the green bamboo and said dryly.

Green bamboo looked at Weisen and said, "do you mean we are mistaken?"

"It's not impossible." Weisen whispered.

Green bamboo chuckled, and the expression was so serious that it was cold: "you really don't see the coffin and don't shed tears."

"What do you mean?"

"Weisen, you are not the only one who wants to cooperate with tongbaozhai. You are not the only one who is so smart, and others are just a big fool." Green bamboo looks at Weisen lightly and says with smile.

In this way, Weisen doesn't know what it means, but he is unwilling to admit it.

"You This is my father's business with your steward. What if I use the reputation of tongbaozhai? " Thinking of this, Weisen thought that this little thing he did was not so good.

Qingzhu is very angry at Weisen's shameless words. He looks at Weisen and says, "what did you say just now?"

Weisen also closed his mouth subconsciously. He was afraid of what green bamboo looks like now.

Weisen, who responded, looked at the green bamboo like this, and felt a little resentful.