Yu Feng slouched on the chair, as if there were no bones: "you are to give an account, but this account is not for me."

"What does the landlord mean?" Weiyan looks at Yufeng and doesn't know where he got to tongbaozhai.

Yu Feng's long fingers played with the hair on his chest: "your son is brave enough to take the initiative in our pavilion. No one should know what this means."

Before Yan yanpi jumped, could it be that the leader of tongbaozhai was in Miao? Just how could it be?

Yufeng's mouth is slightly hooked, and his face is full of mocking smile: "Congratulations, you guessed it, our cabinet leader is indeed in miaojiang. It's right, but your son didn't open his eyes, and even moved his mind to our cabinet leader."

If Weiyan was able to resist the anger in his heart just now, now, his expression is extremely ferocious. How dare Weisen take the initiative in tongbaozhai's pavilion? Does he dislike the natural life of this year?

Yufeng looks at Weiyan like that, sneers and says: "we won't investigate this matter immediately. If you can't give me an account of tongbaozhai, I'm really sorry."

Weiyan's eyelids jumped and nodded: "don't worry, villa master, this matter will give you a satisfactory explanation."

After knowing that Weisen had killed himself, Weiyan had no so-called affection for his son, even if there was hatred.

It's not easy for him to join tongbaozhai. It's not easy for his family to have the chance to become the first family in Miao area, but now they are all destroyed by Weisen.

Yufeng laughs and looks at Weiyan. The corner of his mouth is slightly hooked: "in this case, the villa leader is relieved. I hope the villa leader doesn't let us wait too long."

"Don't worry, villa master. I will go back to deal with this matter immediately and give you a satisfactory reply. It's just..." Weiyan looks at Yufeng with some uncertainty, and is afraid that Yufeng will be involved in Weijia because of this.

"Don't worry, we are not so unreasonable people." Yufeng said a meaningful sentence, which not only didn't reassure Weiyan, but also felt a little cool in his heart, as if he had been calculated.

Weiyan left Yulin villa that night and took people to the Miao area. His face was very gloomy and ugly all the time. His subordinates who followed him dare not say more, so he had to rush ahead.

Half a month's journey took Weiyan only half the time to arrive in a hurry. When he returned to Weiyan, he found that some things had changed completely. Not only that, but even his heart was gone.

Don't even think about what happened.

Weiyan's face has been very gloomy and ugly. When he came to Weisen's yard, he pushed open the man in front of him and kicked open the closed door.

Everything in the room makes Weiyan look blue.

He knows the leader of tongbaozhai, who is the wife of general Xiaoguo, and he has met once. At the moment, the woman on Weisen's bed is very similar to the leader of tongbaozhai, especially the eyes.

Weiyan had some hesitation, but when he saw this scene, all the hesitation disappeared. Instead, he was furious.

Mercilessly stare at his Weisen with impatient eyes, step by step and slap his hands on his face.

Weisen was stunned at first, then glared at Weiyan: "what are you doing?"

"What am I doing? I should ask you what you're doing, what are you doing? " Weiyan gnaws his teeth and looks at Weisen in front of him. His eyes are full of fire.

Weisen looked at Weiyan impatiently, and his eyes were full of displeasure: "isn't it just playing with a woman?"

"Playing with a woman? Weisen, Weijia will be destroyed in your hands sooner or later. " Said Weiyan angrily.

Weisen laughed out loud: "I ruined Weijia? You can see that Weijia is thriving in these days when you are away. "

Weiyan takes a deep breath: "you bastard."