Just now, Weisen was beaten for not paying attention. It's also to give him a face. Now he wants to do it himself. It's wishful thinking.

"Weiyan, you'd better let go of your rights." Weisen doesn't even call his father now. He calls him Weiyan.

"You..." Weiyan didn't expect that Weisen should be so bold. He has the courage to challenge him.

Weisen put his hand around the woman on the edge, kissed her face: "someone will drive him out for me, save annoying me here." Weisen looks impatient, and the woman beside him looks at him obsessed.

Such a scene makes Weiyan really have no way to stay here. He even worries that if he stays here, he will be shot dead like this.

But at the thought of all these things he did, his face turned blue with anger.

Well, since he is so skilled, he will see how Weisen can bear the anger of tongbaozhai.

Turning around, he left Weijia with his own people and lived in his own private property.

"Let people go to find the trace of Ning Mengyao at once. If we continue like this, even we will have an accident in the end." Said Weiyan.


In Weiyan with people constantly looking for Ning Mengyao, she is happy to see the opera.

A couple of father and son who have a good relationship can become like this because of their family. They kill each other. She likes such a drama very much, I have to say.

Qingzhu looks at her young lady calmly. At the same time, she silently thumbs up for the villa leader, who is still powerful.

"Weiyan is looking for Miss now. Do you want to..."

"No, let him find it. Even if he can't find it, let's continue to watch the theatre. Of course, don't let white ink relax his vigilance." Ning Mengyao's eyes narrowed slightly and said in a cold voice.

She hasn't seen it for such a long time. She's a little strange. Where did the woman go? Didn't she come back at all?

This idea is just a moment, and it's pushed back by ningmengyao. If it's not, it's bound to come back for revenge, rather than just let it go.

Thinking of this problem, Ning Mengyao's eyebrows can't help wrinkling up. What happened before she fell? What's wrong with her?

Ningmengyao took a deep breath, with worry and worry on her face. Seeing her like this, Qingzhu couldn't help saying, "you don't have to worry, miss. If it's not, he will be OK."

"I hope so." Ning Mengyao nodded. She gave her ***** * to the undelivered hands. No matter what, there are some guarantees.

Qiao Mo Feng is holding Qiao Mo Shang and listening to the conversation between them: "Mom, she..."

"Don't worry, it will be ok now." In the past, she didn't want to interfere in the affairs of Wujia, but the things that Weisen did made her sick, and he also moved his mind to them. In this case, there's no need to wait for anything. It's the same with helping him revenge.

In this period of time, the king of Miao has not been put back. Although Song Li doesn't know where the king of Miao has gone, she still knows something vaguely. Most of it is because of Ning Mengyao's party, but now not only people haven't been sent to her, but even he himself has been put in. It's ironic.

In the face of the ministers and the elders and priests who came to inquire, Song Li always had only one answer, that is, she didn't know anything, or even what the king of Miao had done.

Although this kind of answer can't be said in people's eyes, they didn't find any flaws, but they didn't embarrass Song Li.

After leaving Song Li's place, they went to Bai Mo's place.

For a long time, they didn't believe in Bai Mo very much. They felt that this man had such a different purpose for their Miao area, but now they have no way. Bai Mo's ability is greater than everything in their eyes.