Although Qiao mofeng used to live in Weijia and in the capital, he never came out to play with them. Now when he sees these things, Qiao mofeng's eyes are bright. From time to time, he takes out the pocket money given by Ning Mengyao to buy some small things.

The three of them strolled around in the street, but before long, they were stopped: "madam, my master is invited."

Ningmengyao slightly raised her eyebrows, then led Qiao mofeng's hand to the side of the restaurant.

Looking at the man in the box, Ning Mengyao's face flashed a clear smile, it turned out to be him.

Who is not Weiyan in the box?

"I have seen the Lord." Weiyan sees ningmengyao come in with her baby. She gets up and bows to salute.

"You don't need to be polite. I don't know what's the matter if the owner stops me in the street." Ning Mengyao holds Qiao moshang and sits on the chair. Meanwhile, she pulls Qiao Moshan aside.

After a moment's silence, Weiyan said, "you don't know something about your Lord. Now most of your house is in Weisen's hands, and he has different thoughts about your Lord." Weiyan is a bit awkward.


"I hope you can help me." Weiyan looks up at ningmengyao.

Ningmengyao tapped the table with one hand and asked with a smile: "help you? Why should I help you? What's the good about me? "

Weiyan took a deep breath and said seriously, "if the Lord can help me get rid of Weisen, then Weijia will obey the Lord's orders from now on."

Ning Mengyao chuckled and said, "listen to me? Do you think I need you to stay at home? " Weisen, she will clean him up sooner or later. Now she is just playing cat and mouse.

Weisen was able to control Weijia so quickly. Is there a white ink pen in the middle?

Weiyan said with a wry smile, "I know that the Lord of the pavilion is not inferior to my family, but tongbaozhai is not very powerful in the Miao area, is it?"

"So what?" At the beginning, she didn't get involved in the Miao area just because she didn't want to. The Miao area was too mysterious for her at that time, and it was easy to cause trouble that she shouldn't. at that time, she would not get involved in the trouble that she hated.

If you know that Miao is such a scene, maybe it's different now, but she doesn't regret it.

All of a sudden, Weiyan can't speak anymore. Although Weiyan's family is a big force in Miao, it's only a matter of time before tongbaozhai wants to insert another one.

For a while, Weiyan didn't know what kind of conditions to use to take ningmengyao.

Ningmengyao leaned on the chair: "Weiyan, no head of the family, since receiving the position of the head of the family, he has been working hard for the family and running around. Originally, no family could be the leading family in Miao Jiang, but it's a pity that there are too many families that can't be used."

Weiyan is stunned. He looks at ningmengyao and doesn't understand what she means.

"What do you mean

"Weiyan, I don't know you know this kid." Ningmengyao waves to Qiao mofeng.

Qiao mofeng came to Ning Mengyao and stood there. Facing Weiyan, he didn't have any hatred, because this uncle was kind to him and his mother.

Weiyan looks at Ning Mengyao in doubt and shakes his head: "this......"

Ningmengyao looks at Qiao mofeng like that. First, she is stunned, and then she lets Qingzhu take him out to wash her face.

At the time of incense, Qiao mofeng came in from outside. When he saw him, Weiyan was stunned.

"Chenger? Why are you here? "

Qiaomofeng looked at Weiyan: "my name is qiaomofeng now. As for the one who died a few months ago, they killed him by Weisen." Jomo Feng said quietly.

Weiyan's eyes were full of shock. He couldn't believe looking at Qiao mofeng. How could this be what the clever child said?

"It's impossible. Aren't you supposed to be at home, cheng'er? And where's your mother? Why are you with the cabinet leader? "