When he came back with the child, although he was not happy, it was his sister and nephew. Although he was not happy, he didn't scold them. He was very fond of and even treated the smart child as his own child.

"I was mistreated by Weisen and gave it to others. If I didn't meet my parents, I would have died. As for my mother, I don't know where she is, but I know that she was chased and killed by people from other families and was seriously injured." Joe mofeng did not look down at Weiyan's worried look.

Ningmengyao saw that Qiao mofeng was so kind to Weiyan that he knew that Weiyan was good to them when he was not at home.

"What's the matter, Lord?" Weiyan saw that he could not get more useful value from qiaomofeng, so he turned to look at ningmengyao.

Ningmengyao indifferently tells Weiyan what happened to qiaomofeng at the beginning. When he hears ningmengyao say that qiaomofeng was insulted and injured like that, he is stunned and doesn't believe it is true.

"Here, how could it be?"

"It's true or false. I think the owner of Wujia knows what he has in mind and wants me to help you. But I hope that the owner of Wujia has pulled out the moths one by one. From feng'er's feelings towards you, I can guess that he doesn't hate you, but he still relies on you. I don't mind giving you a chance, but can you grasp it? That's right It's up to you. "

Qiao Mo Feng Meng looks up at Ning Mengyao: "Niang......"

"Nothing, don't care."

Joe mofeng felt a little remorse in his heart, because his mother seemed to have done a lot of things.

Ningmengyao looked at Qiao mofeng's face with a doting smile: "no home, maybe he is the only one who is better to your mother and son."

Joe Mo Feng's eyes flickered slightly, then he smiled: "well, my uncle is very good."

He reached out and rubbed Joe mofeng's head: "take your brother to play."

Qiao Mo Feng looks at Weiyan and finally leaves with Qiao Mo Shang in his arms.

Weiyan watched Qiao mofeng leave, but his eyes never turned away.

"It's all my fault." It was not until he could not see the figure that Weiyan whispered.

Yes, it's all his fault. If he knew this earlier, things would not be the same as they are now. If he paid more attention to the two unborn mothers and children, things would not be the same as they are now.

His lovely nephew will not be like this.

All this was due to his negligence.

"It's really your fault. Since we have to take care of them, why should we let them go wrong? Oh, do you know why they are missing? Just to help you do something useful for you. When I saved her, she was seriously injured. If she didn't enter my room, she might have died. " Ning Mengyao said this, did not want to let not rock appreciate her meaning.

Just want to let him know, not lost mother and son, because of him and how much suffering, it is precisely because of this, they will end up like this.

Joe mofeng has some other things. She didn't tell Weiyan. She didn't pity him, but because it's over. It's useless to talk more.

"I know. Thank you, really." Weiyan said painfully.

"You don't have to say thank you. You may be a qualified householder, but you are not a qualified brother." Ning Mengyao stood up and turned her back to Weiyan: "I want to see you again. I don't want you to see Weiyan then And any selfishness. "

She wanted to know, in Weiyan's heart, whether that family was important or whether their mother and son were important.

Weiyan stares at the back of Ning Mengyao's departure and finally gets up to leave. It's still that body that looks so lost, as if it lost its soul at that moment.

"Are you OK, master?" People around Weiyan look at him worried.

Weiyan raised his hand to cover up his cheek, and didn't want them to see the mess he was in.