"What happened in the family at that time, you should investigate in person and not miss anything."


Back to his residence, when Weiyan thought about Ning Mengyao, he had a heavy expression on his face. If he chose Weijia or had a little hesitation, I'm afraid that Ning Mengyao would use extreme means.

Ning Mengyao goes out from the box and sees Qiao mofeng holding Qiao moshang and their two people at the door of the restaurant looking at those interesting things on the side of the street.

"Can Maple blame his mother?" Ning Mengyao takes over the child in Qiao Mo Feng's hand and asks softly.

"No, I know there must be a reason for my mother to do that."

"That's good. Let's go back."

The fact that Weiyan had seen ningmengyao was soon known by Weisen. He thought that Weiyan was also interested in ningmengyao and wanted to fight with him. His face changed immediately, and even a set of good cups fell to the ground.

Looking at the debris on the ground, Weisen's face was gloomy and horrible. It looked like a ghost from hell. I wish I could swallow everything I saw completely.

"Damn it, that old thing dares to rob me. It's just looking for death." He hasn't seen Ning Mengyao alone. Why is he old and ugly man Weiyan?

That woman is also a base, unexpectedly chose such a person.

"What's the matter with you, young master?"

"I don't care what you do, I must get that woman, just today, do it right away." Weisen was very angry and said that the expression on his face was tight and more and more ugly.

"Young master..."

"Do it now."

Ningmengyao and her children haven't come home yet, so she feels that more and more people are watching them.

There was a mocking smile at the bottom of my eyes, holding Qiao Mo Shang in one hand, holding Qiao Mo Feng in the other hand, and my steps didn't change. Soon, the people behind me were dumped. Those left behind were amazing.

"Now that they are here, come out and meet them." Ningmengyao stood at the door of the house, put the child in Qiao mofeng's arms, and let him take the child back first.

Qiao mofeng wanted to stop talking, but also knew that they would only drag ningmengyao back here. He immediately turned around and left, looking at ningmengyao with worried face when he left: "Niang, you should be careful."

"Don't worry."

After waiting for two children to enter the room, Ning Mengyao just let go and looked at several people who had already appeared.

"Your master is brave."

"Please come with us, madam." The person on the opposite side looks at Ning Mengyao and ignores the mockery in her voice. He speaks seriously.

"What if I say no?" Looking up at the person in front, Ning Mengyao's mouth is slightly hooked and indifferent.

"Then don't blame us for not being polite. Do it."

Looking at the people who quarreled with themselves, Ning Mengyao understood that it seemed that Weisen didn't know what was going on.

Ning Mengyao 's eyes squint slightly, and her intention is to follow them to have a look. But now she has changed her mind, and she wants Weisen to see him.

After making up his mind, Ning Mengyao made a quick move. Soon, those masters in Miao area fell to the ground, and Ning Mengyao was injured in the shoulder.

He reached out and rubbed some painful shoulders, and looked at the dark three who came out of the door: "take people in, and send one of them to Weisen."

"It's the princess."

People on the ground, hearing the name of the princess, were puzzled. There was no princess in Miao. Before they thought about it, they were thrown back.

One of the most unlucky, not only to be carried, but also to be broken hands and feet, and he can not even scream out.

Dark three looks at the person in the hand sneer: "is thinking who our princess is? She is the princess of my Regent's mansion. How dare you make up your mind? "

Regent mansion They know only one regent, Nangong Yan, the former Regent of the mausoleum, and his daughter

Isn't that the general's wife of Xiaoguo and the cabinet leader of tongbaozhai?

This guess, let the other side stare big eyes, in the heart only one idea, that is the end.