Ning Mengyao's hand trembled slightly and disappeared? Is it... After nearly 20 years, she went back again? It's amazing.

Throwing aside the meaning of casual look, Ning Mengyao carefully and carefully looked at the diary in her hand. There was nothing said about it, but only some daily records.

This news, let ningmengyao can't help frowning, don't make this matter clear, she can't completely put down.

"Yao Yao, don't worry about that."

"I'm not worried. Tianchang is totally at a loss." Ning Mengyao murmured, his eyes full of confusion.

All she wants to know now is the life course of the second princess who is very important to Xiao.

She always felt that she could find something out of it.

"What happened? Tell me so I can help. " He didn't want to see ningmengyao like this. He always felt that the distance between them seemed very far.

Ning Mengyao grabs her hair, reaches for Qiao Tianchang and sits down at one side: "Tianchang, what I'm going to say next may be strange to you, but I hope you don't interrupt me before I finish?"


"I have another secret, a very important one that I haven't told you." Ningmengyao seems to have made up her mind. Looking at Qiao Tianchang, the brick says word by word.

Qiao Tianchang was stunned. He looked at Ning Mengyao for some reasons: "what do you mean?"

"I'm not really Xiao Chengya's real daughter. This child died before he was eight years old, and then I came to this place."

Ningmengyao's eyes are a little trance, and she can't help thinking about the things ten years ago.

At that time, she took part in a wine tasting abroad. When she came back, she was hit by someone, and then she went to the hospital. When she woke up, she found that she had passed through a child, who was very poor and malnourished.

All of this is totally at a loss for Ning Mengyao. It took her several days to accept the fact that she had passed through and could never go back.

Since then, she has been busy for survival, making use of her knowledge in modern life, and finally met them in Yufeng, as well as tongbaozhai, which was already crumbling at that time.

At last, tongbaozhai became better under her management. Two years later, when she was ten years old, she met Lingluo, her ex boyfriend, who had an accident together. However, he became the son of lingwuhou mansion, so superior.

The identity of previous life makes Ning Mengyao know clearly that marriage is about being right for each other, whether in modern times or in this backward ancient times, especially in this place.

So she spent a lot of time in tongbaozhai, but in order not to let Lingluo know about it, she dare not move to the surface of many modern things, and can only do these things secretly.

Unfortunately, when she was going to tell Lingluo about these things, Lingluo had offered to let her abdicate and become a wife.

Then she left the capital and went to Baishan village, where she met Qiao Tianchang.

In ten years, she has gone through a lot of things, but now Ning Mengyao finds out that the things she went through in those ten years may not be as much as today's.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao in horror. It's so. No wonder she has such talent. No wonder tongbaozhai can develop to this point in her hands.

"Tianchang, you Not afraid? " For the ancient people, she was a lonely soul. Didn't the ancient people fear this most?

Joe Tianchang shook his head: "no, you are my wife."

Yes, she Ning Mengyao can only be Qiao Tianchang's wife forever. No matter who they are, they can't be separated.

Ning Mengyao's worry was gradually put down in Qiao Tianchang's words, with a warm smile on her face.

"Then you were so strange, because of this?"

"Well, this is the diary of the founding princess. It records what happened after she came to this place. But when she was 30, people disappeared. I guess she should have returned to my time." Ning Mengyao said in a deep voice.

Now she's not sure when she'll be gone.