Qiao Tianchang was just listening to the story at the beginning, but at the end of the day, Qiao Tianchang's whole person was not calm: "you were worried just now, don't know when you will disappear like that long princess, right?"

Ningmengyao smiled bitterly and nodded: "yes, I'm really worried about having such a precedent..."

If it was before meeting Joe Tianchang, she would only be happy when such a thing happened. Although they would not give up to Yu Feng, it was not the reason for her to stay.

But now she has Qiao Tianchang and the little monkey. She can't bear the place she didn't like.

Qiao Tianchang put out his hand and hugged Ning Mengyao into his arms: "I won't let you leave me and Shanger." Their family of three must stay together no matter when they are. They can't live without one person.

"I know." But some things don't mean they won't happen.

Qiao Tianchang stretched out his hand and held Ning Mengyao's hand tightly. There were blue tendons on the back of his hand. At first sight, he knew that he was actually holding back the fear in his heart.

After getting used to the company of Ning Mengyao, he really doesn't know whether he can survive after losing.

"Yaoyao don't leave me, or I don't know what I will do." Qiao Tianchang put his chin on the top of Ning Mengyao's hair and said word by word.

Ning Mengyao reached out and held Qiao Tianchang's waist, nodded: "I know, I know all."


Ningmengyao felt the tense appearance of ningmengyao and looked up at the place where his eyes were.

In that place, there was a sudden crack, and then out of the crack came a 60-70-year-old man.

Qiao Tianchang guards Ning Mengyao behind him and looks at the old man in front with alert eyes.

If this person didn't leak his breath on purpose, he didn't know when he would feel that someone in the dark was watching them. What he wanted to know was how long this person had been watching in the dark.

"Welcome the lady back." The old man suddenly knelt on the ground and looked at Ning Mengyao and said earnestly.

Ning Mengyao suddenly looks silly. What's going on? "Miss what? I don't know you at all. "

"It doesn't matter that the young lady doesn't know the old slave. What's important is that the old slave knows that you are our young lady, which is enough." Their family have been waiting for this place for hundreds of years. In these hundred years, there has been a person 200 years ago. At other times, no one has ever found this place again.

Ning Mengyao doesn't like the uncontrollable feeling very much. It seems It's like everything is out of control.

"What you want to know, miss, I will tell you the answer. Please come with me." The old man stooped to reach out to them and made a gesture of asking.

Ning Mengyao and his wife look at each other and leave behind the old man.

After the eight twists and turns in the middle of the secret Road, Ning Mengyao felt the obvious light.

Eyes slightly closed, after adjusting to the sun, Ning Mengyao just opened his eyes, which is the same place as the paradise.

The place where they stand is a small forest, and the smoke curls up under the forest. Ningmengyao likes this feeling very much.

"This is our people, miss." The old man explained with a smile.

The more she stepped into this place, the more she thought something was wrong: "you..."

"Miss, those things are only a small part of the owner's wealth. The real wealth is all in this place." Before the Miao area appeared, the host chose this place and said that he would leave something for the future generations, maybe he could use it one day.

Then I prepared all these things, and those secret ways were just to hide people's eyes and ears.

Now in Miao area, we have found some things here, but those things are only a drop in the bucket. It is precisely because of this that some people continue to search like this.

Ningmengyao silently looked at everything in front of her eyes, frowning slightly: "Tianchang I really wonder what kind of person that person is."