"Soon, don't you know?" Although Qiao Tianchang is also very curious about this place, Ning Mengyao is more important to him.

"You are right. Since we have come to this place, let's have a good look at what kind of mysterious tribe it is." Ningmengyao's mouth is slightly raised. If it's not allowed, ningmengyao will say that this is really a good place for the aged.

With Ning Mengyao, the old man went to the ancestral hall first.

When the three arrived at the ancestral hall, the old man lit a candle. First he bowed to the above memorial tablets, then he turned around and knelt down at Mengyao: "the old slave Xiao Ren has seen the young lady."

"You are..."

"Miss, this is the inheritance ceremony. It's the rule set by the master at the beginning. Before the master left, he said that if one day, the box she left was opened, then our whole family would obey him." Xiao Ren said the family motto word by word.

Ning Mengyao took a deep look at the old man and said, "get up."

"Thank you, miss."

"Tell me about this place." Ningmengyao turns around and comes out of the ancestral hall. This place is a little depressed.

Xiao Ren goes out after Ning Mengyao and takes them to a delicate room.

"This is the original courtyard of the master. We have been renovating it all the time. Miss can live here." Xiao Ren explains for Ning Mengyao with a smile.

Ningmengyao looks at it and nods. They go in together.

"Say it." After sitting down, Ning Mengyao said in a cold voice.

Xiao Ren didn't care about Ning Mengyao's bad tone either, but smiled and said: "our family has guarded this place for nearly 400 years from the first generation to now, and my generation has been the fifth generation. I am now the head of the clan. There are less than 100 people in the clan, and the rest are all over the world."

Ningmengyao's eyelids jumped, not only in tongbaozhai, but also in other countries.

"You don't have to worry, miss. When the situation was unstable, the master had to leave. You can only protect the whole state of Xiao in this way." Xiao Ren seems to see that Ning Mengyao is surprised, and the old face smiles like a wrinkled chrysanthemum.

"And then?" For such a long time, in Ning Mengyao's arms, whether these people still follow the original purpose or now those people have their own thoughts.

"Don't worry, miss. These people can be trusted." Like knowing Ning Mengyao's worries, Xiao Ren suddenly opens his mouth.

Ning Mengyao looked at the old man with a determined face in front of her with his hands around her chest, and asked with a smile, "don't worry? Can you trust me? I'd like to know where you two have this confidence. "

"Don't worry, miss. I still have that confidence." Xiao Ren said with a smile.

Ning Mengyao sneers scornfully: "faith? In this world, the most popular thing is trust, but the most disgusting thing is trust. In addition, if I send you a message, no one will remain the same. " Especially in the face of fame, money and status.

In front of these things, all trust will become a big joke, especially after such a long time.

Maybe the people in this small tribe, as Xiao Ren said, can trust completely, but for other people, Ning Mengyao really doesn't believe it at all. You know, after a long time of contact with the flashy world, the heart will grow.


"I think I'm wrong. You can go and investigate the families of those people to see if they are still different from what you think, and all remember your mission." It's really not easy for ningmengyao to guard for a hundred years, but there are some things that must be said clearly.

Xiao Renzhang opens his mouth and wants to explain for those people, but he can't say anything. Finally, he nods in silence.

"Well, you can do these things by yourself. Don't tell me. Besides, I want to know everything about the second eldest princess of Xiao."