Reaching out and rubbing the little girl's head: "there is not enough ability, even if you go outside, you will not survive, you are still small, what you have to do is to study hard."

"Thank you, sister. I see." The little girl was silent for a long time, then she looked up at Ning Mengyao and nodded seriously to show that she understood.

She really likes this little girl.

Seeing the little girl leave, Ning Mengyao doesn't know that this child has a great relationship with herself in the future.

Qiao Tianchang stood beside Ning Mengyao, with a frivolous brow: "do you like this girl so much?"

"Don't you like it?"

"Like is like, but it's not our family. Shall we have another daughter before we go back?" Already have two sons, Qiao Tianchang hopes they also have a soft girl.

White Qiao Tianchang a look, Ning Mengyao's face a little red, this rascal.

"Go back." Qiao Tianchang looks at ningmengyao who ignores him and leaves directly, with a strong smile in her eyes.

Disagree? It doesn't matter. He will take the initiative then.

The next day, Ning Mengyao found Xiao Ren and asked him to take care of the little girl he met by the river again. The others didn't say much.

"I want to know how much more there is."

"Don't worry, miss. I'll have this matter investigated. Today, I'll take you to meet some people." Xiao Ren's expression suddenly became serious. It seemed that there was something very important.

Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Ren and nods: "let's go."

The couple followed Xiao Ren and headed for the back mountain of the village.

Walking to the front of a hillside, when they all thought there was no way, Xiao Ren suddenly pressed on the mountain wall, which suddenly opened a door.

Ning Mengyao stares round eyes and suddenly finds that compared with the two people in front of her, her achievements are not a little worse.

"Tianchang, I was hit." What did they do here and what did she do?

It seems that in addition to the first few years, she has been a rice bug waiting to die.

Qiao Tianchang laughingly looked at Ning Mengyao's sad face and couldn't help chuckling out: "well, others are others, you are you, besides, you have something they don't have."


"My husband and son." Joe naturally said.

Ning Mengyao choked for a while, but also had to admit Qiao Tianchang's words, she did have what the two said they did not have.

In fact, she just said it casually, with no other meaning.

Xiao Ren's steps in front of him suddenly stopped. His body tilted slightly, obviously frightened by the words of the two men.

"Please come in, miss." In order not to let two people say more maddening words, Xiao Renxian opened his mouth step by step.

Ningmengyao takes Qiao Tianchang's hand, looks around and walks forward.

At first, Ning Mengyao thought it was just a secret chamber like before, but at last she found out that it was not at all.

It's like an underground palace. After going to some places, Ning Mengyao hears some shouting and drinking sounds coming from inside.

"Here is..."

"All the people here are the loyal subordinates of the master. No, it should be said that they are descendants." Xiao Ren solves the puzzles for Ning Mengyao.

The army that was outside was only a small part of it, and this place is the real leader.

Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Ren in silence. There is no superfluous change in the expression on her face, but the shock in her heart is obvious.

What kind of person is the first long princess? Why can we do such a thing?

When Ning Mengyao was thinking nonsense, they had come to the place where those people were training. Looking at those hard faces, Ning Mengyao was really weird.

"This is our new master." Xiao Ren's arrival made the trainees stop.

When I saw Ning Mengyao, all the people's eyes were focused on her. Instead of being timid, Ning Mengyao looked back.

Such a spirit has made Xiao Ren nod silently, and their master should be like this.