"Uncle Ren is our master? Are you right? "

"No, I saw with my own eyes that she had opened the box left by her master, and according to Zuxun, I had given the other man's things to the young lady, and she understood them all." Xiao Ren shook his head and explained to everyone.

"Yes, miss." The value of their existence is to be loyal to the new master. Although they have been waiting for a long time, there is no big problem for them.

Qiao Tianchang looked at these people, and his eyes flickered slightly. According to his many years of experience in leading soldiers, all the people here are more powerful than those he saw at that time. Those people are even less than one-third of these people.

Ningmengyao nodded, eyes are clear light, this is enough.

She was still worried that there were not enough people on the side of Miao, but with these people, she was completely relieved.

"Get up."

"Come with me, miss. The others are elsewhere." Xiao renchong gave a gift to ningmengyao and then said seriously.

Ningmengyao follows her behind and walks forward.

This time, it was the "elevator", which made ningmengyao even more exclaim that the God was powerful.

There are three men and one woman waiting for them. They are not very old. When they see Ning Mengyao, they have obvious exploration in their eyes and seem to be looking at something.

"This is the one you will be loyal to." Xiao Ren changed his kindness just now, his face was cold, even with a little bit of cruelty.

"Uncle Ren, are you sure she is our master?" One of the only women, reaching out to point to Ning Mengyao voice tone with suspicion.

Ningmengyao sneered, smiling at the people in front of her, with a thick irony on her face.

"It seems that Xiao Ren's loyalty is not so sincere." Ning Mengyao said, looking at the woman coldly.

Xiao Ren's face changed as soon as he brushed it. He looked at the woman gloomily. He had already slapped himself on his grandson's affairs. Now he comes again, which makes Xiao Ren very dissatisfied.

To a woman's side of a man suddenly kneel on the ground: "please give the name of the Lord."

They have their own names. If they want ningmengyao to give them a name, it means that they will give up their original name.

The two men on the side looked at each other and then knelt on the ground as well.

Only that woman, frowning: "big brother."


"Qinghuai, Qingliu, Qingyuan." Ningmengyao didn't pay attention to the woman's dissatisfied eyes, just changed a name for the three, but these three people make ningmengyao very kind.

"These three stay with me. As for her I don't need someone around me who will question me. " Ning Mengyao looked at Xiao Ren and said word by word.

"It's miss." Xiao Ren nodded stiffly and looked at the woman.

When the woman heard this, her face immediately changed: "why do you separate our brothers and sisters?"

"Why? Qinghuai, tell her why. " Ningmengyao's hands encircled her chest. She looked at the man who had been called big brother by the woman before, but now she has changed her name to Qinghuai.

"Miss is our master. It's natural for us to be around. But you question the master's decision, just It's against what we've always believed. " They were born to know that they were born for others. They always remember these things. Only the woman in front of them forgot all these things.

Although there was no extra expression on Ning Mengyao's face, she nodded in her heart. It seems that among the four people, except this woman, the other three were all good.

Qiao Tianchang stood at the side and looked at the woman who was still unconvinced: "the Lord is the Lord, from is from, the master and the slave are not qualified to stay beside Yao Yao Yao."

Xiao Ren can't help but have a headache. Can't their uncle come out to mend the knife at this time? Isn't this to make the young lady more dissatisfied with him?