Ningmengyao smiled and nodded. She thought that she could get along with the people around her as brothers and sisters, but she never wanted the people around her to be the kind of people who are independent.

Such a person, stay by his side, will only bring himself countless troubles.

"Do you have any idea if I ask the three of you to leave with me?"


"Good. I'll call you when I leave. Xiao Ren, it's time for us to leave." Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Ren and says.

"It's miss." Xiao Ren is disappointed to see the woman who is still in temper. Where does she think this is? A maid, can also be regarded as a daughter of money as angry?

When Ning Mengyao and them left, the woman looked at the three people in Qinghuai and murmured with dissatisfaction, "brother, why do you want to leave with that woman? Isn't it good to be here? "

She was the youngest one among them. When there was no such woman, she was the treasure they held in their palms. However, when the woman appeared, she found that her brothers seemed to have no her in their eyes, only their so-called miss.

Qinghuai took a look at her and said indifferently, "there is nothing wrong here, but we want to accomplish our mission more." This is not only their mission, but also that of previous generations.

The attitude of the three made the woman feel cool: "elder brother, you..."

"Well, little ran, Miss Li doesn't seem to be a difficult person to get along with. We exist for her, and you don't have to be emotional anymore."

"Who says we exist for her? I don't want that. " She is an independent individual, not for the sake of others.

"Qingyuan has changed since she went out once, needless to say so much."

Little Ran's face changed, and his eyes were round. He looked at Qinghuai and dodged: "what do you mean, elder brother? I don't have one at all. "

"Do you have a clear mind? Let's go." Qinghuai turns around and doesn't go back.

Qingliu looks at Qinghuai: "big brother, little ran, she Did you really go out? "

"Well, I went out with Uncle Ren's grandson. Not only did I go out, but I also had a mind I shouldn't have." This point is unacceptable to Qinghuai.

Qingyuan lowered his head in silence. He also knew about it. He just thought that Xiao ran was only interested in it for a while, but he didn't know that she had completely changed.

"There's another place for you, miss."

"Where?" Ning Mengyao suddenly stops her steps and looks at Xiao Ren with some doubts.

Xiao Ren didn't tell Ning Mengyao directly but took her to a place.

As soon as she went in, Ning Mengyao was stunned by the contents: "here How is this possible? "

There are bombs and artillery in it. It's such a devastating thing.

"These things..."

"These are all things that the master has made, from generation to generation, and this is what my generation has made." Although these things are well preserved, they won't last for hundreds of years, so every generation of them will make some of these things. Fortunately, all the recipes of these things have been handed down.

"I see. Does anyone else know this place except you?" Ningmengyao's expression becomes serious. This place can't be found, or it will be really over.

Qiao Tianchang looks at these things in front of him, and feels shocked. His intuition tells him that these things are not simple.

"No, this place can only be entered by generations of clan leaders." Xiao Ren knew what Ning Mengyao was worried about, and immediately shook his head, saying that no one else knew this place.

After hearing this, Ning Mengyao was relieved: "that's good, Xiao Ren. I don't want the things in this place to be known by others. Besides, the people who built these things will keep them secret for me. If I find the trace of these things outside, you know what kind of aftereffect they will have."

"Don't worry, miss. It's all right."

Ning Mengyao sneered, "I hope you are telling the truth."

During the day, Ning Mengyao was completely shocked. She had a vague guess about the identity of the long princess.