That person's modern identity must have something to do with the army. Otherwise, she would like these things very much. Otherwise, she would not be able to build so many lethal weapons.

"Yao Yao these things..."

"I'll tell you when Tianchang returns."

After coming back from Houshan mountain, Ning Mengyao had no other thoughts. After they went back, Ning Mengyao closed the door, looked at Qiao Tianchang seriously, and said seriously, "Tianchang, these things here really scared me. They are too destructive. No wonder Xiao could become a big country at one stroke."


"Yes." Ning Mengyao nodded: "it's like a black ball. If it explodes, it can kill hundreds of people in a moment, even more, and others."

"Are these things of your time?" Qiao Tianchang can't help but feel frightened for these things. As Ning Mengyao said, if these things really survive, they will become the biggest hidden danger.

If it's in your own hands, it's good to say that if it's in someone else's hands That's a lot of trouble.

"Yes, so I'm guessing what kind of person that long princess is." Ning Mengyao said softly, the expression on her face is also very dignified, and the eyes of Qiao Tianchang are full of seriousness and seriousness.

"What do you think?"

"I'm thinking about how she did such a big project, or whether she didn't leave this place at all, just stayed in a different way." This question, from the time she saw the bombs and the guns, she was thinking.

Also, the place she went to today made her guess.

It's only ten years' hard work that can hollowed out a mountain. That only shows one problem. The princess left Xiaoguo when she was 30, but she didn't leave the world. Instead, she came to this place and established such a secret base.

"You mean, they are likely to have descendants?" Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao in surprise, with obvious horror in his eyes.

Ning Mengyao nodded, "yes, I think so, but I don't know if it's not like that." This kind of thing, originally is unimaginable, and as Qiao Tianchang said, it has been hundreds of years, even if want to investigate is impossible.

"Well, these things will always be solved. Now even if we think about them so much, we won't understand them for the time being." Qiao Tianchang doesn't want Ning Mengyao to be so tired.

Ningmengyao shook her head: "I don't want to think about these things, after all, it has been hundreds of years, but those things make me think it's a hidden danger."

"What do you say?"

"If they have posterity left behind, then these things must be known by those people. If they don't have ambition, it's OK. If they have ambition Tianchang, have you ever thought of such a result? " Some people's status is noble, but they have to hide it. This result is not acceptable to all people.

Some can, some can't, and the latter part will try to get what they think they should.

"Yao Yao doesn't know if it's true now. Don't think about it." Qiao Tianchang thinks that ningmengyao is worrying about nothing, but he agrees with what she said.

"I think so much." Ningmengyao laughs at herself, but she doesn't know what happened to her. Why did she suddenly worry about gain and loss, as if she had lost something.

Qiao Tianchang helplessly looks at Ning Mengyao, shakes his head, puts out his hand to hold people in his arms, and comforts them silently.

All day long, although Ning Mengyao didn't speak, she was thinking about it.

Ningmengyao's face is obviously tired. This matter hasn't been dealt with yet. There is another matter. When is it.

"Well, don't worry, I'm everything."

"Well, good."