Ningmengyao unconsciously turns around and notices Xiao Si's eyes. Seeing him like that, ningmengyao smiles meaningfully. The smile makes Xiao Ren's scalp numb. Is Miss angry?

No matter whether Ning Mengyao is really angry or not, Xiao Ren is trembling. On the other hand, Xiao Si thinks that Ning Mengyao is really a talent. No wonder he will get Xiao Ren's attention, but those who dare to rob with themselves will die.

"Don't worry, miss. It's almost OK. Five days at most." Xiao Ren pressed his lips tightly, his hands tightly clenched into fists, and his face was very ugly.

Ningmengyao was relieved: "since this is the case, Tianchang and I will wait a few more days."

"Xiao Ren's face with a clear smile:" more miss understanding

Ningmengyao smiled and didn't interrupt. At that time, Xiaosi's eyes were twinkling, and he would definitely look at ningmengyao.

The girl who looks less than twenty is the one whose son said? Is it really that powerful?

"Who is dad? Why don't you introduce us? " This seems to be discontent with his father, but in fact, it is to tell Ning Mengyao their own identity, as well as his sense of existence.

Xiao Ren didn't speak, but looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "I will deal with this matter, miss."

A word with no head and no brain made Ning Mengyao suddenly laugh.

Xiao Ren is really a smart man: "since uncle Ren said that, let's go back to Tianchang."

Qiao Tianchang glanced at Xiao and said, "OK, let's go."

After the two left, Xiao Ren's face became gloomy: "what are you doing back?"

After Xiao Si went outside, he came back in the first year, but never came back. Now his grandson has grown into an adult, but the number of times he came back is counted by one hand.

Xiao Si looks at Xiao Ren discontentedly: "Dad, I just came back, can't you wait for me to have a rest?"

"I know what you want to do when you come back. I have already said about the things in the family. Don't even think about them. I said when you left, starting from scratch, how far can you go? That's your skill." Xiao Ren thought of the scene where he had sent them away. His eyes were a little hot, but when he saw Xiao Si, his face was slightly moved, but he disappeared for a while.

Xiao Si frowns. What did he do when he was here tomorrow? Let Xiao Ren not see his son.

"What do you mean, dad?"

"What do I mean? You know in your own mind that if you have been outside for a long time, even if you have a big heart, you have made up your mind to come to your home."

"Dad, our family has been guarding those things for such a long time, even if we take some of them for use, what's the matter? That's only a drop in the bucket. " Xiaosi is very dissatisfied with his father 's old style. He only knows how to do things like this. He doesn' t want to make his life better. It 's just stupid.

Xiao Ren looked at Xiao Si, who was as natural as Xiao Ming, and felt sad: "let's go. Let's go. Don't come back. I really want to crush you to death when I see you like this."

"Dad, you..."

"Tianchang, what do you say that man came here for?" Ning Mengyao reached for her chin and said curiously.

Joe Tianchang shook his head gently: "I'm not very clear about this."

"But I don't think that person will succeed no matter what he comes for and Xiao Ren is here." Although Xiao Ren is a little old-fashioned, he is still a good man.

"That's also true. I think he came for the things Xiao Ren is guarding." It's not only wealth, but also the things in the back mountain. However, those things are doomed that these people can't touch them.

"Xiao Ren has such a son and grandson. I'm afraid he will die of anxiety." At this time, Qiao Tianchang is still in the mood to tease others, which makes ningmengyao can't help but smoke the corners of her mouth. Has this person been changed?