Ning Mengyao picked up her eyebrows and looked at the serious man: "are you sure you are not gloating?"

"Have I?" Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao.

"What do you say?" Ning Mengyao didn't speak, so he looked at Qiao Tianchang, which means that he was gloating.

Qiao Tianchang chuckled, "it's just the beginning when Xiao Si comes back." Qiao Tianchang said with unknown meaning.

Ning Mengyao is stunned and looks at Qiao Tianchang: "what do you mean..."

"Well, when we don't show up, Xiao Xi will think that those things belong to his family. Even if Xiao Ren doesn't give them now, when he dies, he will always choose a patriarch, and he is Xiao Ren's son. He has a great chance of becoming a patriarch. He will know all the secrets here at that time." This is probably the idea in Xiao Si's mind, but Xiao Si didn't think that they would appear.

And he never thought Xiao Ren would tell him that.

"So, we're going to have bad luck?" Ning Mengyao blinked and said earnestly.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao in silence and wants to say something. When you say this, can you stop using this Well, the tone of expectation?

No matter how much ningmengyao expected, Qiao Tianchang was on guard.

"Be prepared anyway."


After returning to the family, Xiao Si would go out every day, but he went to many families in the family. In short, he would go every day. Although his face would be very ugly when he came out of other people's homes, he went with a smile on his face.

Not only that, but also brought a lot of benefits to others.

After learning the news, Ning Mengyao just smiled casually, but she didn't care about it. In fact, she didn't know how to bribe people, but she didn't care about it.

And she thinks it's an opportunity to see how many people in this village are totally obedient to Xiao Ren's promise to protect their ancestors together.

How much is that kind of open-minded, with money can be sold by anyone.

Different from Ning Mengyao's calmness, Xiao Ren's face is very ugly, obviously knowing the intention of Xiao Si.

"What are you doing, Xiao Si?" Xiao Ren looked at his son with a gloomy face and said angrily.

One by one, I don't worry about it. When I come back, I will know to make trouble for myself.

Xiao Si glanced at his father and said, "Dad, I haven't come back for such a long time. Do you have any questions about sending something to my people?"


It's true that there are not many problems, but Xiao Ren knows that it's just an excuse for Xiao Si.

He shook his head in disappointment. Xiao Ren turned his back to Xiao Si and said, "you don't need to waste your time. Even if you use such means, you can't get those things."

Xiao Si's face changed, looking at Xiao Ren: "what do you mean?"

"Because those things already have owners." Now, whether it's people or wealth, it's all Ning Mengyao's. even if Xiao Si is doing something, it won't change this fact.

Xiao Si's face became gloomy because of Xiao Ren's words: "what are you talking about, dad? Why do we give things to others? "

"Our family? Ha ha, the famous take, also must have the life flower to go The people of the Xiao family only know that they are guarding a large amount of wealth, but they don't know that they are just guards. If these things don't fall into the hands of the royal family of the state of Xiao, those who get these things by special means will be severely punished.

Of course, if the state of Xiao was destroyed, it would be another matter.

Xiao Si always thought that his father was just a little stubborn, but now it seems that he is totally unreasonable, so good things should be left to others, do not know to leave them to themselves, it is just stupid.

"Dad, you are stupid."

Xiao Ren looks at his son and sneers. Who is stupid? There will be a decision in the future.

Although Xiao Ren has said such things, Xiao Si still doesn't give up. Even when he goes to the family's house, he begins to speak ill of Ning Mengyao's family intentionally or unintentionally.