Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao and is so happy: "this is what they left behind by Qingshuang?"

"Most likely, Qinghuai you take people to look in this direction, and we will continue to look in front of you." Ning Mengyao thought about it, and ordered.

"I'll take people with me." Joe thought about it and said.

Ningmengyao frowned, then nodded and agreed: "be careful."

For Qiao Tianchang's worry, in fact, she also has in mind that she knows more about Qingshuang and white clothes than Qiao Tianchang.

If they really can't escape with their two children, they are likely to take risks, lead the enemy away by themselves and let the two children leave.

"Be careful, too. You follow Yaoyao in Qingyuan. Be careful." Qiao Tianchang looked at Qingliu and said in a cold voice.

"Don't worry, sir. We will protect the young lady."

Qiao Tianchang nodded and led some of the people in Qinghuai to the other direction.

After they left, Ning Mengyao said in a cold voice, "let's go."

Qingshuang leaned against Nanyu, panting and gasping. He had many wounds on his body: "I don't know if he left with the little one."

"It must have gone." Joe mofeng is the person they personally taught. Although his skill is not as good as that of adults, he is much better than his peers.

Red tassel face pale lean on the body of black dress: "it seems that we will explain here today."

"No, those people are now trying to catch us alive." If it wasn't for trying to catch them alive, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to sit here now.

Bai Yi nodded: "Nanyu is right. They want to catch us alive. They just have to see if they have that ability."

"Do you two have any poison?" The eyes of the white clothes flash a cruel, he has never been so embarrassed.

Qingshuang's eyes flickered slightly and pulled out his hairpin from his head: "there is still a little bit in it, but it's the last one."

Nanyu nodded: "when I was in that place, I used a lot of medicine. Now I don't have much left. But if we don't take care of this medicine, we may all have an accident, but this thing will attract a lot of treasure." When it comes to the word "baby", Nanyu's expression suddenly changes to some evil.

"You mean..."

"Yes, there are not many poisonous insects around me, but this kind of medicine, together with the poisonous insects, will speed up the reproduction of the poisonous insects, but the breeding insects are difficult to control." Once they are hurt by insects, they may also die here.

White takes a deep breath, looks at two people, suddenly smiled: "no matter how always want to try." If they don't try, they may not even have a chance to live.

Qingshuang nodded, "OK, let's try."

After making up their minds, several people were not preparing to escape, but began to rest in situ, and even went to find some food. There was no way to ripen the game, so they ate the raw one directly.

Everyone is not that kind of spoiled person, so when it comes to eating raw meat, except for a change in the face of Qingshuang and Hongying, other people's faces have not changed.

After a day and a night's rest, several people's physical strength has also recovered. Although their internal power has not been restored to the best state, it has also recovered 70-80%. In addition to the things in their hands, they also have the ability to fight with these people.

At noon on the second day, they suddenly opened their eyes and stood up to look at the front: "they are coming."

"Why don't you hide?" A voice like a man or a woman came out of the distance.

"I wonder if you are a man or a woman, or are you a human demon?" the eyes of the white dress narrowed slightly

"You want to die."

"Then you should try to see who we are going to die here." The white dress snorts coldly.

Soon a group of blood red figures came from afar, and Nangong Yan even followed them, standing there in silence, his eyes flickered slightly when he saw that there were no two children among them.

"And the child?"