When the first man saw that there were no children among them, his face changed greatly.

Their purpose of tracking these people is for the two children, but I never thought that the two children were gone when they did not know.

"Damn it." The man looked at them angrily, and his face sank immediately.

White reached for a long hair and looked at the person opposite with a smile: "ah, aren't you very powerful? Isn't it possible for us to catch up wherever we go? Yes? Only now do we know that our two young masters are gone? "

Satire, naked satire, that's what the opposite man thinks it's insulting.

"What the hell is going on?" The man turned to look at Nangong Yan and asked coldly.

Nangong Yan did not speak, but looked at the man in silence: "you said you would not hurt two children."

"I said yes, but I didn't say I would let them go." Said the man angrily.

Hongying squints at them: "who are you?" They have never heard of such a man here.

"Xiao Luoyan."

"Xiao? No, the Xiao family doesn't have you at all. " Red tassel's face changed.

Xiao Luoyan looked at Hongying sarcastically: "the Xiao family in this place is just something that can't stand on the table."

What else does Hongying have to say, but she is stopped by the white clothes. These things are not the time to investigate.

"Do it." Obviously Xiao Luoyan did not intend to continue to entangle with them, but directly ordered.

At one command, those bloody figures galloped towards several people, looking at the dozens of people, several people were calm without any panic.

After the other party entered the designated area, Qingshuang and Nanyu started at the same time. It was too late for Xiao Luoyan to find out.

Looking at the subordinates who were swallowed by those black insects in an instant, Xiao Luoyan's face was a little ugly: "I didn't expect you to have such skills."

Although these things seemed to threaten them, Xiao Luoyan didn't pay attention to them at all: "carving insects and small skills."

The eyes of Qingshuang and Nanyu twinkled slightly. These things can only be attacked unprepared, and they can only use those people. But Xiao Luoyan, like the demon, has no way at all.

Xiao Luoyan looked at the rampant insects, and his eyes flashed with obvious disgust: "since you are looking for death, I will complete you." Said the whole body momentum burst, those small insects seem to be fixed, have been falling down.

Seeing this scene, Nanyu's faces are solemn. It seems that this time they really have to explain it here.

White with his soft sword, the corner of the mouth raised a cold bloodthirsty smile: "even if it is dead, can not let that traitor alive."

Hongying and others nodded. Yes, Nangong Yan was a traitor in their eyes. If it wasn't for Nangong Yan, they wouldn't have fallen to this point now.

Their words in white, Nangong Yan can't refute, can only silently bow his head.

"Ha ha, it's not easy to die?" Xiao Luoyan's figure disappeared in the original place. When it appeared, people had arrived in front of the white clothes, holding the white clothes by the neck.

The eyes of the white clothes are full of horror. This man's speed is so fast.


Ningmengyao didn't expect to see such a scene when they arrived. Qingshuang people were injured everywhere, their clothes were dyed red by blood, while white clothes were pinched by a bloody voice.

Despite so many, he took the snow falling sword and galloped away.

It seems that Xiao Luoyan feels the danger from behind. She looses her white neck and flashes to the side.

"I'm sorry that I'm late," said Ning Mengyao, who almost fell on the ground with one hand

When she saw Ning Mengyao in white, her eyes were bright: "it's not too late."

When Nangong Yan sees ningmengyao, her body trembles slightly. She opens her mouth and wants to say something, but she finds that she has no qualification at all. However, ningmengyao's sight is not even on him.

Ning Mengyao threw the medicine bottle out of her hand into the hand of the white clothes: "first heal the wound."