When they saw Ning Mengyao face to face Xiao Luoyan in white, they were worried about her. However, when they saw her flexible appearance, they were relieved.

Nangong Yan stands at the same place and looks at her daughter and Xiao Luoyan. She is sad. Who should he help?

"Qingyuan, you will heal them first, and the rest of them will not be forgiven." The last one is said to Xiao Luoyan's people.


Xiao Luoyan looks at the girl in front of her. No, it should be a woman. She has a bun on her head and a white jade hairpin on her head. Her simple clothes are obviously to find these people. She has a long sword in her hand, which makes it easy for people to ignore her beautiful appearance.

"You are their master, Ning Mengyao?"

"What can I do for you?"

Xiao Luoyan looks at Ning Mengyao with his hands around his chest and smiles: "you are not my opponent, so don't waste your energy."

"How do you know if you don't try? Dare to fight my son and my relatives, you will die. " Ning Mengyao snorted coldly. Regardless of the other's movements, he jumped to Xiao Luoyan's face.

Xiao Luoyan looks at the woman in front of him. At the beginning, he really didn't pay attention to people. After all, he saw so many people.

But slowly he found that he seemed to be wrong. This woman is really different from those he knew, at least with some real skills.

After Xiao Luoyan was stabbed in the shoulder by the sword in ningmengyao's hand, Xiao Luoyan finally faced up to the woman he despised: "is the snow falling sword in your hand?"

Ningmengyao pulled out his long sword and smiled coldly: "do you have any opinion?"

"Ha ha, OK, that's great." Xiao Luoyan suddenly laughs and looks at Nangong Yan: "why don't you do it?"

Nangong Yan's body is stiff and his hands are clenched into fists, while Ning Mengyao looks at it coldly. After knowing that the reason why those people die is because of Nangong Yan, Ning Mengyao has no father in his heart.


"Kill her."

Nangong Yan's body is stiff, and her eyes turn red gradually. Seeing this scene, Ning Mengyao's eyes flicker slightly.

Before Nangong Yan came to him, Ning Mengyao took advantage of Xiao Luoyan's wandering and hit him on the back with a palm containing 10% internal power.


Xiao Luoyan looks at ningmengyao, the damned woman who has been fighting with Nangong Yan.

Nangong Yan, who is under control, doesn't know who the people in front of him are. He has only one command in his heart, that is to kill ningmengyao.

They looked at Ning Mengyao in white worried: "go and help her."

"Quiet." The frown of Qingliu's discontent is all hurt like this. If he wants to be brave, he should be slapped to death.

The white clothes choked: "you..."

"Now that you are in white, Xiaoyao will be fine." In Hongying's view, ningmengyao, who is facing nangongyan with overwhelming superiority, is in the same position.

It turned out that when they didn't know, their little Yao had grown to such a degree.

Xiao Luoyan's eyes narrowed slightly at Ning Mengyao. When she was concentrating on dealing with Nangong Yan, she suddenly flashed in front of them in white. As soon as she was about to start, she was blocked by Ning Mengyao who was already in front of her.

At the same time that Ning Mengyao stopped Xiao Luoyan, Nangong fireworks started at the same time.

"Yao'er, be careful."

"Miss, get out of the way." Qingshuang struggles to get up.

However, without waiting for her to get up, Nangong Yan's killing move has arrived.


"Yao Er......"

Ningmengyao turns her head to look at nangongyan, who is nearby. Instead of being flustered, she is calm.

When she was about to make a move, at this time an unexpected person appeared in front of her and blocked her behind, and that person was Xiao Chengya who followed her up.

Xiao did not expect that what she came to see was her beloved man, who even killed her daughter.

Disappointment permeates her heart, and all this does not give Xiao Chengya a chance to think. Her body has already made a quick thought step, and when she responds, she has blocked in front of Ning Mengyao.