"Uh... Puff. " Sullen hum and spitting blood stimulated Ning Mengyao's spirit. Ning Mengyao kicked Xiao Luoyan in the stomach and kicked people out for a long time, which turned around and hit Nangong Yan with one hand.

"How are you, mother?" Ningmengyao didn't expect that xiaochengya would appear here at this time. Not only that, she was already weak, but also blocked her purchase last year.

Xiaochengya smiled and shook her head: "yaoerniang is OK As long as you It's all right. "

Ningmengyao shook her head in a panic: "how can you run out at this time, mother? I'm fine. I'm fine. "

At the same time, Ning Mengyao quickly stuffed several healing pills into Xiao's mouth, and then helped Xiao with internal power.

When Nangong Yan hurts Xiao Chengya, the whole person is awake. He lies on the ground and watches Ning Mengyao heal Xiao Chengya. Fear and fear flash in his eyes.

"Ya Yaer... " His ya'er is back? But their meeting would be such a scene.

Xiaochengya turns her head and looks at Nangong Yan not far away. She is disappointed and lowers her head.

The disappointment in her eyes hurt Nangong Yan's eyes: "ya'er, listen to me, I......"

"You don't have to say anything. I saw everything. You almost killed your grandson when you were going to kill Yao'er. You don't have to say anything." When I woke up, I wanted to see this man, and now I hate him.

She is now doubting whether they knew him or not. If so, this man is really terrible.

"Miss." Qingliu came over to see Ning Mengyao like that, with a frown of disapproval.

"I'm fine. I want the rest of them to die." Ningmengyao spread murderous said.


When Qingliu and them started, Xiao Luoyan looked at them and said, "sooner or later, we will see each other." Said to flash away, Nangong Yan was also taken away by his people.

But when he left, he kept struggling, and his eyes were always on their mother and daughter.

Xiao Chengya looked at her daughter's angry look, reached out and held her cheek: "Yao'er, don't be angry, I'm ok, nothing happened." She just found her daughter, how can she leave like this?

Ningmengyao's eyes are sad and her heart is bitter. She is not strong enough. If she is strong enough, her mother will not be hurt like this.

"I'm sorry, mom."

Xiao Chengya shook her head: "Yao Er doesn't have to say sorry to her mother." She can forgive herself regardless of the past. How can she not consider for her?

"The young lady left with the young master. We have to find someone right away." Qingshuang suddenly thought of this, and did not know how the two children are now.

Ningmengyao nodded: "Tianchang has already taken someone to look for it. Don't worry. Qingliu tries to find all the information about that person and where they are now." It's hard to get rid of her hatred if she doesn't get revenge.

"It's miss."

Ning Mengyao holds Xiao Chengya, and the rest of them are taken care of by Qingliu. All of them walk out together.

On the way, Ning Mengyao frowns all the time. Although Qiao Tianchang has gone to find someone, she still worries that a half-year-old child, with a few months old child, is still ill. She doesn't know how they are now.

Hand out patted Ning Mengyao's shoulder: "rest assured, the two children will be OK."

"Mom, I know." Ning Mengyao pulls out a smile and smiles at Xiao Chengya.

He put out his hand to cover Ning Mengyao's lips, and covered her smile that was not a smile: "if you don't want to laugh, don't laugh. Tianchang will find two children."

Ning Mengyao opens her mouth and nods in silence.

Qiao Tianchang and they followed the signs all the way to find many places before finding the pharmacy where Qiao Moshan took him to see a doctor.

Hearing the doctor's words, Qiao Tianchang's eyes were full of worries, Shange