Song Yan used to think that even if Molin was disgusting, he would not have come to this point, but now he can say such a thing, which makes her sad.

"If you don't like it, get out."

The quarrel between the two did not disturb Joe Tianchang and them.

"And the mother-in-law?"

"In order to save my injury, I found a place for her to take care of it. Tianchang, do you know who hurt my mother?" Ning Mengyao laughed at herself, and Qiao Tianchang's eyes were full of bitterness.

For a long time, she thought that Bai Mo was the one who imprisoned Xiao chenya. But when she saw that Xiao chenya was seriously injured by Nangong Yan, her heart was very complicated.

Bai Mo has been waiting for her mother since she was unconscious. Judging from Xiao's physical condition, Bai Mo has never let her mother be wronged, but what about Nangong Yan?

Ha ha, I think it's ridiculous.


"Nangong Yan, although he is controlled by others, I feel that he is a spy at all. He is the spy put here by Xiao's family on the west coast." From the time she saw nangongyan, nangongyan's expression, and everything that happened later, all let ningmengyao's heart rise such an idea.

Qiao Tianchang's face changed: "he? Why? "

Ning Mengyao laughed at herself and said, "if I didn't see it with my own eyes, I don't believe it, but in fact, he wanted to kill me, but his mother stopped him."

Thinking of the scene at that time, Ning Mengyao still felt his eyes were sour and swollen, which was very uncomfortable.

Qiao Tianchang frowned and looked at Ning Mengyao's self reproach: "it's not your fault."

"It's all my fault. Tianchang won't be hurt if we don't bring her out. Although Baimo is a bit domineering, he is very good to her." From the treatment of these ten years as one day, we can see that Bai Mo is deeply in love with Xiao Chengya.

Perhaps white ink's love for Xiao Chengya is more intense than Nangong Yan's.

Joe Tianchang opened his mouth, and finally he was silent.

"Tianchang, if I told Bai Mo Niang where she was, would you think I was too much?" Ning Mengyao asked tentatively.

With a comparison, we will know who is better. Because of such an accident, Ning Mengyao also knows who is better to Xiao Chengya between Nangong Yan and Bai mo.

Joe Tianchang shook his head. "No, I know you're all for your mother-in-law."

After this time, Qiao Tianchang felt that Xiao Chengya would not forgive Nangong Yan, or even hate her.

Ning Mengyao pressed her lips tightly: "but it's not fair to white ink, and my mother will not accept it."

"What is fairness? There is no fairness in love. You give Bai Mo a chance to get close to his mother-in-law. As for whether she forgets Nangong Yan to accept him at last, it is her own choice, and her mother-in-law is still young. " Xiao Chengya is less than 40 years old this year, and she looks like a woman in her early thirties because of white ink's good care.

"I know. I don't want my mother to be immersed in nangongyan's affairs all the time. It's all our business. I just want to enjoy life." Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao Tianchang and said earnestly.

Qiao Tianchang smiled and nodded, "I believe my mother-in-law will understand you. Do whatever you want. I support you."

The sadness on Ning Mengyao's face turned into a smile: "I know."

She knows that such a decision may cause Xiao Chengya some troubles, but these troubles are better than thinking about Nangong Yan with hatred.

In those days when we were still together, although Xiao didn't say anything, the hatred and despair flashed in her eyes from time to time, which made Ning Mengyao understand that Xiao's idea was actually the same as that of her, and whether Nangong Yan had been hostile since she was close to her.

It is because of this idea that Xiao's body is getting worse and worse.

Qingshuang said that if there is no way, Xiao's body may collapse. She doesn't want to see Xiao's accident, so she has such an idea.

"Don't think so much. Some things will have answers." Although I didn't see the situation at that time and Xiao's current state, Qiao Tianchang can guess how good she won't be.