"But I suddenly felt like we were in a great conspiracy." This kind of idea, when Ning Mengyao saw Xiao Luoyan, he could not get rid of it all the time, but met Molin and they before, which made the idea more obvious.

"Whether it's conspiracy or yangmou, it's enough for our family to be together all the time." Qiao Tianchang doesn't care about this, as long as they take it, as long as they don't separate.

Ning Mengyao was stunned, then smiled: "yes, I think so much."

After having an idea, Ning Mengyao sent Qingyuan out. As for when Bai Mo can get to this place, this is not what she should care about.

After dealing with the matter, Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao Tianchang and said, "what are you going to do about that Maureen?"

From the point of view of Maureen's attitude, I know that he still can't let go of this friendship, or he won't be lost because of Qiao Tianchang's words.

Qiao Tianchang is silent and doesn't speak. Seeing him like this, Ning Mengyao shakes her head helplessly: "Tianchang, you ask yourself if you really want to do this. I can see that Maureen wants to save this friendship between you. In this case, why don't you give him a chance?"

"I don't know. Let's talk about it." Joe Tianchang obviously didn't want to discuss the subject.

Ningmengyao chuckled. She had never seen Qiao Tianchang like this before. It really made her feel extremely lovely.

When Qingyuan arrived at the imperial palace of Miao, his eyes flickered slightly. In the face of the culture of bodyguards, he just said that he wanted to see the national teacher, and he would not say anything more. That's what ningmengyao meant.

Bai Mo almost turned over the whole Miao area these days, but still didn't find the woman she was thinking about.

At this time, I heard that someone wanted to see him and subconsciously wanted to refuse: "let him go."

"The national teacher said he would regret it if he didn't see him." The visitor shrunk his neck and said with some trepidation.

White ink's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the person in front of him sneered and said, "bring in." He would like to see who would come to see him at this time.

When Qingyuan saw Bai Mo, he was standing there cold as if he were a sculpture.

"You want to see me?"

Qingyuan nodded: "my miss asked me to come."

White ink pupils shrink: "who is your miss?"

"Ning Mengyao."

White Mo stood up from the chair: "what's the matter with her asking you to come to me?"

Qingyuan said a place name: "miss is waiting for you in this place, you will know when you go." Qingyuan didn't want to say more words, just looked at white ink.

For Qingyuan's words, Bai Mo has some doubts in his heart: "are you sure?"


After thinking about it, Bai Mo finally decided to go with Qingyuan.

They hurried four days to the town where the ningmengyao family lived.

Looking at the dusty, dusty white ink, Ning Mengyao's face with a smile like a smile: "you come very fast."

Bai Mo ignores Ning Mengyao's strange eyes and looks at her: "what do you want me to do?"

Ningmengyao took a deep breath and looked at Baimo: "I just want to know what kind of person nangongyan is."

White ink a Leng: "for this?"

"Or what do you think?" Ning Mengyao looks at Bai Mo in surprise, as if to ask again, not for this, what do you think I am for?

White ink eyelids a jump, very want to give this wench a slap, but finally or forbear: "you want to know what."

"How did you know Nangong Yan and my mother?" Ningmengyao asked without thinking.

Bai Mo took a suspicious look at Ning Mengyao, and finally said in a deep voice: "I can only say that it was an accident. At the beginning, I knew your mother for a longer time. Later, we went out to play together and met Nangong Yan. At that time, he was under siege, and then we rescued him. Then he became a friend as a matter of course."