Ningmengyao thought what would happen. Unexpectedly, it was so bloody.

"It's really dog blood." Ning Mengyao said mockingly.

White Mo smiled bitterly: "yes, later I went to investigate Nangong Yan and knew that he was the Regent of lingguo, but this Regent was different from the hearsay."

Ning Mengyao suddenly turned to look at Bai Mo: "what do you mean?"

"The Regent of the mausoleum is actually a very gentle man with means, but we know different nangongyan." Nangong Yan, as they know him, is actually a bit cruel and cruel to the enemy. However, they didn't care about it because it was good for him and Xiao Chengya.

"Do you suspect him to be false?"

"At first, I didn't. It was when your mother had an accident that I really doubted." Speaking of this, the expression of white ink changed in an instant.

"What do you mean?" Ningmengyao's subconscious questioning always feels that Bai Mo seems to know a lot.

Qiao Tianchang sat quietly on the edge, did not interrupt the communication between the two people, but at this time, Qiao Tianchang suddenly said: "the poison in the mother-in-law is under the Nangong flame, right?"

White ink a Zheng, looking at Qiao Tianchang: "how do you know?"

Qiao Tianchang turned to look out of the window: "it's very simple. I heard Nangong Yan say about his relationship with his mother-in-law. At that time, he and her mother-in-law were playing outside. Suddenly, they were poisoned. If you didn't, no one would think of this."

Only two of them are together. There are no other people around. Who can poison Xiao Chengya except Nangong Yan?

Bai Mo smiled bitterly: "you're right, I also knew it in an accident. So after nangongyan was led away by the emperor of Xiaoguo at that time, I took ya'er out of the palace, and later sent him to Xiao Yilin's house. I knew that ya'er had a child, and then I took people away. But when I went, the child had been lost "

Ningmengyao tightly pursed her lips, but did not expect that the man who had been showing his infatuation would be such a person.

"Then you know why not stop it?"

"Stop? What can I do to stop it? At that time, your mother didn't believe me at all. She thought that I was trying to provoke the relationship between them. " So he can only protect Xiao Chengya in the dark, but he didn't expect that Xiao Chengya was hurt by Nangong Yan.

Ningmengyao's head is a little confused. What is nangongyan doing so much for?

"I don't understand."

"I don't understand that ya'er is a very good, very gentle woman. Because it's her choice, I respect her. As long as I look at her happiness, but I didn't have a long time with Nangong Yan, I found that ya'er's life seems to be different from what I imagined." White ink thought of the things at that time, some uncertain said.

Ningmengyao is stunned. What else happened?

"You guessed it right. At the beginning, your mother was really happy. But when she got to the back, she began to be depressed. She didn't smile again until she had you. I went to investigate, but I didn't find anything. I didn't know what happened." Bai Mo hates himself very much. If he had figured out everything earlier, Xiao would not have been hurt or slept for nearly 20 years.

Ningmengyao looked at the sad face in front of her, with a man of remorse and hatred in her eyes, and suddenly said, "don't you regret this?"

"Of course not. You love Joe Tianchang, and you can definitely feel that feeling, as long as he is happy." The sadness on Bai Mo's face cleared away, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, but that smile was so lonely in Ning Mengyao's eyes.

Ningmengyao suddenly regretted it. If she didn't bring xiaochengya out, would it be better?

"What else do you want to ask?"

"Why do you imprison my mother?"

White Mo suddenly smiled: "I'm not imprisoning her. There are many things in Miao Jiang that are not as simple as you think. Only there, her life is safe, and I don't want her to go to Nangong Yan, which will only hurt her again."