Ningmengyao feels that she really misblamed Baimo.

"Sorry, I misunderstood you." Ning Mengyao opens her mouth to apologize.

White ink shrugged: "anyway, it's not the first time, it doesn't matter."

"Why do you want to catch Nangong Yan?" This question was not asked by Ning Mengyao, but by Qiao Tianchang.

Bai Mo's expression became serious: "although I have been helping ya'er find the antidote for nearly 20 years, I still haven't found it, so I can only start from Nangong Yan."

So he arrested people, but did not expect that not only led to ningmengyao but also such things happened.

"Baimo, what would you do if I gave you a chance to get close to my mother?" Knowing Bai Mo's Thoughts on Xiao Chengya, Ning Mengyao asked seriously and seriously.

White Mo Meng stood up from the chair, stared round his eyes, and couldn't believe looking at Ning Mengyao: "ya'er was taken away by you? But how did you do it? "

"Now is not the time to say that? I just ask you, what are you going to do. " Ningmengyao did not return to the question of white ink, but looked at him and asked seriously.

White Mo smiled: "I can wait for almost 20 years when she is asleep, let alone when she is awake?"

As long as she can stay with Xiao Chengya, no matter 20 years or 40 years, as long as she can let him stay with her.

"My mother's condition is not very good." Ning Mengyao looked at the white ink and said.

"What's the matter? What happened? "

Ning Mengyao tells Bai Mo about nangongyan's betrayal and Xiao Chengya's defense of her attack. At last, she says with regret, "I think it's the best to bring my mother out. I regret it now." If she could, she would rather not know where Xiao Chengya is, rather not bring her out.

White ink was furious and angry when he learned that Xiao Chengya was hurt. But seeing Ning Mengyao's appearance, his anger was suppressed again.

"Where is ya'er? I'll go to her right now. " In any case, this time he will not let people leave their own realization.

Ningmengyao tells Baimo where xiaochengya is, and finally asks a question: "will you protect my mother? Even if she keeps driving you away and resisting you? "

"She's my life." Simple five words, but let ningmengyao see his serious and firm.

Ningmengyao opened her mouth, then smiled: "then I hope you can move my mother, stepfather or something, I won't mind."

Bai Mo was very happy. It was after hearing the sentence from Ning Mengyao that the whole person was not well.

What is stepfather? Do you mind? Really.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Bai Mo: "there are some people who don't belong here. Be careful yourself."

"Miaojiang is my territory. I naturally know that there are so many people coming. I'm already preparing. I'm going to take ya'er to the palace. It's safer there." Bai Mo has his consideration. He is not so comprehensive outside. Now Xiao Chengya is injured, which makes him more worried.

Ningmengyao nodded and agreed after a little thought: "OK, but take the green cream, she will be with you before my mother is completely well."


After getting the news, Bai Mo couldn't stay for a moment. He said goodbye to Ning Mengyao and left without washing.

Ning Mengyao looked at his flustered appearance and couldn't help laughing: "in fact, my mother is very happy, just didn't choose the right person."

If Xiao's primary is not nangongyan, but Baimo, then they must be very happy now.

From the words and deeds of Bai Mo when he said Xiao Chengya, Ning Mengyao knew that Bai Mo really loved Xiao Chengya.

"It's not too late, as long as my mother-in-law can figure it out."

"That's true, but I find it hard." Ningmengyao's eyes are full of playfulness, but also with the meaning of watching a play.

He reached out and pinched Ning Mengyao's company. Qiao Tianchang asked her not to be too proud.

"Ha ha, Tianchang, I'm waiting to see white ink eat shriveled."