Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao with tears and smiles. He reached out and knocked her on the head: "don't gloat like this."

Ning Mengyao reached out and touched his nose. He smiled: "let him do so many things for us, but now white ink is also our side of the people?"

"Not necessarily." Although white ink is so different from what they think, there are still many places to be verified.

The bad smile on Ning Mengyao's face also converged at this moment, reaching out and rubbing his brow and heart: "you are right, now I think he is on the same side with us, which is not appropriate.

"What we have to do now is to find out if there is anyone else coming here besides Maureen and Xiao Luoyan, and if there is anything wrong with Qifeng's side." If the Xiao family came, those people would surely go to Xiao country. He was worried that something would happen to Xiao country.

Ningmengyao frowned slightly: "send the letter back to ask if there is any problem there."

Qiao Tianchang nodded. Now that's all they can do. If something happens over there, they must go back immediately.

After Qiao Tianchang left, Ning Mengyao called three people from Qinghuai: "you go to tell Uncle Ren that there are 1000 people in the back mountain. I want them to go to Xiaoguo secretly in disguise and find a village called Baishan village. Go there and find a person named Jiang Quan. Then Jiang Quan will arrange their residence."

"It's miss."

Qiao Mo Feng is silent for a while, looking at Ning Mengyao and seriously saying: "Niang, do you say where my mother is now? Is he still alive? "

Hearing Qiao mofeng's uncertain and even uneasy culture, Ning Mengyao smiled: "don't worry, Weijia hasn't had an accident yet, which means your mother hasn't moved Weijia yet. As for where she is now, she's not sure."

For the whereabouts, ningmengyao is also a little strange. Seeing her at that time, she should hate Weijia deeply. But why didn't she go to Weijia?

Thinking of the way they met at that time, Ning Mengyao frowned slightly. At that time, he didn't leave. When he saw that they were good to Qiao mofeng, he was determined to come back as soon as he went.

A tight heart, Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao Mo Feng: "Feng ER, do you know what kind of person your father is?"

Joe Mo Feng a Leng, then dazed shake his head: "I don't know."

"Can you show your mother the jade plate in your hand?" I haven't lost such a precious jade pendant. It can be seen that the jade pendant has something to do with Joe mofeng's father. Maybe I can get some information from the jade pendant.

Qiao Mo Feng didn't give up to take the jade pendant off his neck and hand it to Ning Mengyao.

Ningmengyao looked carefully, and did not see what was wrong. Was it her mistake?

"Is there any problem with this jade plate of Niang?" See Ning Mengyao has been looking at his jade plate dazed, Qiao Mo Feng some uncertain asked.

Ningmengyao shook her head gently, with a faint smile on her face: "no, there is no problem. You can put away this jade pendant."

Joe Mo Feng nodded seriously: "don't worry, mom, I know."

This is the only thing his mother left him. Of course, he should take it well.

Reaching out and touching Qiao mofeng's head, Ning Mengyao looked at him kindly: "don't worry, your mother will take good care of yourself, you just need to take good care of yourself now."

"Well, I will. Don't worry."

It's nice to have a family and a brother. He likes his life now.

When Qiao Tianchang came in, he saw that they didn't know what they were whispering.

"What are you talking about?"

"Tianchang, are you finished?" Ningmengyao turns to look at Qiao Tianchang, and her eyes are full of laughter.

Qiao Tianchang said, went to Ning Mengyao's side, sat down, and looked at Qiao mofeng. "Maybe Maple will leave here soon." Some words, Qiao Tianchang thinks it's better to make it clear. Qiao mofeng won't adapt when he saves.

"I'm fine, mom and dad."