As long as I follow my parents and my brother, I can go there.

Qiao Tianchang nodded, "then prepare for it."

Just now when he was on his way to the state of Xiao, he heard some news about tongbaozhai. Now there are some problems in tongbaozhai, let alone the state of Xiao.

When Qiao Tianchang sent the message back, Xiao Qifeng was looking at the man sitting on his dragon chair.

"Who are you?"

Xiao Luoyan sat on the chair and looked at Xiao Qifeng with a sneering face: "so you are the emperor of Xiao now? However, it is not as strong as those ordinary people in our family. "

Xiao Qifeng's eyes narrowed slightly and looked at Xiao Luoyan. He immediately understood that this person was here to recruit and dismantle.

Walking to the edge of the Dragon chair, Xiao Qifeng raised a sneer: "is it?" He clapped his hand on the armrest of the Dragon chair.

At this moment, the original extremely strong dragon chair broke into pieces. If it wasn't for Xiao Luoyan's timely action, I'm afraid that he would have fallen to the ground and been in a mess.

Xiao Qifeng looked at Xiao Luoyan's dangerous and steady figure and sneered, "it seems that you are just like that, too."

"You want to die."

"Let's try to find out who is going to die, and who is going to die last. What do you think? Interested? " Xiao Qifeng is not so easy to bully. If he dares to run to his place to behave, he must be prepared for being abused.

Xiao Luoyan's eyes were cold, and he thought the emperor was just a shelf, but now it's not at all: "I don't care what you do, in a month, I want to hear the news of tongbaozhai's bankruptcy."

As a matter of course, Xiao Qifeng said with a smile: "how to deal with tongbaozhai? Did you forget to take your medicine when you went out? "

Not to mention the owner of tongbaozhai, his cousin, is Qiao Tianchang. He will not move tongbaozhai. Moreover, the people of tongbaozhai have given him a lot of help, both in the clear and in the dark, which makes him feel more comfortable at this time.

"As the royal family of the state of Xiao, how could you be the emperor when you let people control the economic lifeline of the state of Xiao?"

"What are you? Even came here to accuse my brother? " Xiao Qitian had something important to look for Xiao Qifeng today. Who knows that he heard such words as soon as he came in? His face turned black.

"Oh? There's another waste. " See Xiao Qitian that way, Xiao Luo Yan's expression is more indifferent.

In his eyes, the people in this place are just lowly common people, but now he finds that this is not the case at all. The strength of these two people is no less than him.

Xiao Qitian was scolded and didn't get angry, but the look in his eyes was so frightening.

"Brother Huang, since some people have come to us, we don't have the reason to tolerate. If we tolerate too much, we will feel how bullied we are." And if Tianchang and their parents come back to know that they have been bullied by an outsider, they still don't know how to laugh at them, especially ningmengyao who has no conscience.

Xiao Qifeng nodded, "listen to you."

Xiao Luoyan has always been guarding against the two. Hearing their words, he suddenly looks up and says something in a hurry before he arrives. The two brothers Xiao Qifeng have already made moves at the same time.

Although both of them are in a high position, their own strength has never been lowered. So their martial arts are actually comparable to Xiao Luoyan's. Now they are both working at the same time, so naturally they will not fall behind.

Xiao Luoyan's expression is dignified. If he knew that the martial arts of these two people were so powerful, he would not come alone today.

In the middle of his imagination, he felt a stabbing pain coming from his back. It turned out that Xiao Qitian was holding him by Xiao Qifeng and clapped his hand on Xiao Luoyan's back.

Looking at Xiao Luoyan spitting blood, Xiao Qitian took back his hand and smiled sarcastically: "this lesson tells you, don't be too arrogant in the territory of the people, save more than you deserve."