His real brother is tired of being bullied by others.

"How dare you hurt me? You want to die. "

Xiao Qitian went to Xiao Qifeng's side and stood: "who died is not sure." Two on one, and even when they still have the upper hand, they are said to be looking for death, which is a little too humiliating.

"Wait, you will be prisoners soon." Voice did not fall, a black ball smashed on the ground, Yushu room suddenly appeared a burst of smoke.

When the smoke cleared, there was no one else in the study except their brothers.

"Are you ok?" In private, Xiao Qitian prefers to call Xiao Qifeng his brother rather than his estranged brother.

"I'm fine. I just don't know what happened to Tianchang and them." In the last month, there have been a group of mysterious people in Xiaoguo, Fengguo and even Haiguo. If the foundation of Xiaoguo and Fengguo is not strong, it's impossible to say that they have been eroded almost as much as Haiguo.

Today's war made Xiao Qifeng very happy. No matter how busy he was, he didn't fall behind in his martial arts cultivation. Otherwise, he would be injured today.

"Where's the snow?" Now it's a time of crisis, and he's really worried that those people are going to put their ideas to the people around him.

When it comes to muxue, Xiao Qitian's face is full of smiles: "don't worry, brother. Xueer is OK. I forgot the purpose of coming today because of that person's interruption. I came here today to tell you that Xueer has been pregnant for two months."

Thinking that he would be a father soon, Xiao Qitian was very happy.

"Is it? In addition to Shanger's little fellow, the Royal lineal blood is this one. You need to protect people. " Hearing his brother's news, Xiao Qifeng's serious face disappeared at this moment, instead of a thick smile and blessing.

Reached out and touched his nose: "brother, don't worry, I've arranged it, but why don't you want a child?"

There are so many concubines in the harem, but no one is pregnant. You don't need to know that Xiao Qifeng did it.

Xiao Qifeng smiled and shook his head: "I have my own plan, you don't have to worry about me."

What else did Xiao Qitian want to say? He just saw Xiao Qifeng like that, and finally he was silent.

Brother's mind, how could he be a brother not to know? But don't you know how hard it is for the royal family, especially as the king of a country, to want a simple feeling.

With a sigh, Xiao Qitian threw out the idea in his head, and then said, "let's give Tianchang some news."

"Well, you can do it, or ask Mu Xue to use tongbaozhai's communication to send Mengyao messages to let them know what happened here."

"Don't worry, I know."

Xiao Qitian talked to Xiao Qifeng again for a while before he left. When he returned to the prince Qi's mansion, Mu Xue was lying on the soft collapse with her eyes closed and her face was still pale.

Reach out and caress her cheek. If it's not because she suddenly vomited while eating, they don't know. They are going to be parents.

It seems that I felt Xiao Qitian's sight, and Mu Xue in deep sleep slowly opened his eyes: "back? Nothing happened? "

"Someone broke into the palace without permission, and he was very arrogant." Xiao Qitian's face darkened when he said that.

Tell muxue what happened in the imperial palace. At last, he said, "brother Xueer means you can send a message to Mengyao and let them know what happened here."

Mu Xue nodded: "OK, you write it. I'll pass it on after you write it." Tongbaozhai's communication speed is much faster than that in their hands.

When they spread the news, Xiao Qitian said seriously: "I don't know when Tianchang will come back."

There is no accident in Xiaoguo's side. I'm afraid there will be a problem soon. Now there are some problems in tongbaozhai. Fortunately, they are in full control of tongbaozhai, so there won't be any big problems.