"They'll be back when they see the news." She knew Yao'er and knew that she would come back from time to time in tongbaozhai. Now sister Mei has a big stomach and can't worry about a lot of things. Everything is under the pressure of Yufeng, her brother and Xuanxuan. Even if she wanted to help now, she couldn't help.

And she believes that as long as Yao Yao comes back, all the problems will be solved. This is their trust in Ning Mengyao.

Ten days later, Ning Mengyao received the news from Mu Xue. After reading it, her expression was very dignified.

"As expected, something happened to Tianchang." Ning Mengyao hands the paper to Qiao Tianchang.

Those people are brave enough and ambitious enough, not only to several countries, but also to tongbaozhai.

"Yao Yao, let's go back at once." After reading the news, Joe Tianchang immediately decided.

Ningmengyao nodded: "well, let Qingshuang and Nanyu go with us. Grandpa black has arrived here. Let him stay with my mother and take care of her." It's just Bai Mo alone. She's worried.

"Why don't we go to see mother-in-law first and then go back together?" Qiao Tianchang is silent for a moment and looks at Ning Mengyao.

They must have told their mother-in-law when they left in such a hurry. Otherwise, what would it look like?

Ning Mengyao was stunned, and then smiled: "Tianchang is still thoughtful as you think. Let's go now."

After packing up, the couple took their children with them and left after Qinghuai.

By the time Morin got the news, they had been away for most of the day. Even if they wanted to catch up, they didn't know where to start.

"Damn it, don't tell me when you leave." Maureen gnashed his teeth and said with great dissatisfaction.

Song Yan was relieved to hear that both of them had gone a little: "Molin and they left. Don't forget the purpose of our coming here. If you..."

"Enough, song Yan don't put what my parents told you on me." What he hates most is that when he is doing something, someone will tell him what to do, especially when he is in a bad mood.

Song Yan is frightened by Mo Lin's angry look. She looks at Mo Lin stupidly: "Mo Lin you..."

"Enough, needless to say, song Yan, if you still want to follow me, please close your mouth to me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude." He doesn't care whether the other side has his parents as backers, or whether she is the daughter of the Song family. He only knows that this woman makes him very disgusted.

Song Yan looks at Mo Lin stupidly. Her face is green and white. She is neither a fool nor an idiot. Of course, she can see the extremely obvious disgust in Mo Lin's eyes.

Maureen snorted, "let's go." He has known these days that Qiao Tianchang is the general of the state of Xiao. They are so anxious to leave. It must be the Xiao family who started against the state of Xiao. He will find someone there.

After Maureen, he didn't pay attention to them, and stared at their song Yan.

"Young master, leave Miss Song..."

"When did you say so much?" Don't wait for the weight to finish, Maureen throws an eye knife.

I closed my mouth and stopped talking.

Ningmengyao and they went to the place where they settled down. When they arrived at the place, they found the atmosphere was very strange.

Qingshuang looks at Ning Mengyao's helpless stall and says, "lady, she doesn't want to see Bai mo. as long as he is here, she doesn't want to drink medicine or apply medicine."

Although ningmengyao guessed that xiaochengya would definitely resist the arrival of white ink, she did not expect to resist to this extent.

"I see."

Ning Mengyao went to Xiao Chengya's room and looked at the white ink sitting beside the bed.

"Go out first, I'll tell my mother." Ningmengyao suddenly felt that she had done something wrong.

White ink nodded, looked at Xiao orange Ya on the bed, and finally nodded away in silence.

After he left, Ning Mengyao looked at Xiao Chengya, whose eyes were closed tightly on the bed. "My mother doesn't have to pretend to sleep. He's gone."