Xiao Chengya opened her eyes and looked at the daughter sitting in front of her. Her eyes were full of bitterness: "what do you want him to do?"

Having misunderstood him for so many years, Xiao has no face to meet this man.

"Niang, I know what you are thinking. I think you already know about Nangong Yan, too?" Ning Mengyao looks at Xiao Chengya seriously.

Xiao Heya nodded: "yes, he has told me all about it, but I......"

"You still don't believe it, do you? If it wasn't for Nangong Yan to face us with swords and swords, you would surely think that Bai Mo is stirring up the relationship between you. " Ningmengyao naturally understood the meaning of xiaochengya and immediately asked.

"Yes, I didn't expect that he did it after all those years of sleeping," Xiao said in silence Thinking of nangongyan's anxious appearance at that time, Xiao Chengya laughed at herself.

How could he pretend so well? Well, she believed it all.

"Niang, you are still young and have a long life to live. There is no need to grieve for those people." Nangong Yan has hurt Xiao Chengya. Yes, but if Xiao Chengya has been immersed in sadness, what's the meaning?

Life shouldn't be like this. A person's life is not only about meeting a bad guy, like her, but also once.

But isn't it the same now?

"Yao'er, you don't understand."

"Is there anything I don't understand? Than infatuation white ink is not less than Nangong Yan, than love you, he is more than enough than Nangong Yan. Now I really doubt what Nangong Yan was close to you for. " Ning Mengyao was a little dissatisfied with Xiao Chengya's appearance now, and frowned.

"Yao'er, you..."

"Niang, people have a long life and will meet all kinds of people. Do you have to turn away those who are good to you because of one betrayal and one injury? Do you think about how white ink treats you these days? Do you only use your body to force others Although Ning Mengyao didn't want to speak well to Bai Mo, Bai Mo did a good job.

Xiao Chengya's face turned pale. She has been trapped in the past these days.

Her body has not been very good, over and over again, and then white ink came, his arrival, so that she did not have so much time to think about these messy things every day, every day to think about how to let him out of his sight, and this even made her body gradually better, it is ironic.

"Niang asks your heart, he has kept you for nearly 20 years, you know each other since childhood, even if you can't be together finally, can't you still be friends?"

Looking into her daughter's eyes, Xiao thinks that what she thinks in her heart is impossible to hide in front of Ning Mengyao.

"Yao'er, I know. I'll think about it."

Ningmengyao just put down his mind: "Niang, I came to see you in such a hurry this time. I have something to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Xiaoguo and tongbaozhai have been hit by those people. Tianchang and I have to go back to help Qifeng and them, so I hope you can go back with Baimo, and then we can pick you up after we get things right, or when your health is good, let Baimo send you back."

When she heard that they were going back, Xiao wanted to follow them subconsciously. She just thought of her body now and was silent again.

Something happened over there. They will go back quickly. She can't stand it. "But..."

"I'm not sure you are alone, and Nangong Yan doesn't know where he is now. What can I do if he gives you a hand?" Nangong Yan now knows that Xiao Chengya is awake. If Nangong Yan does something, she will regret that she has no place.

Xiao Chengya tightly closed her lips and didn't speak. Seeing her like this, Ning Mengyao sighed: "you can be friends, mom. You don't want to think so much. Now you have to think about your health."

"Mom knows. You should be careful when you go back." Xiao Chengya was told that by ningmengyao, and wanted to understand.